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Nikki's POV

You ever get that weird feeling when you're awake at four in the morning?

It's a strange feeling. You're extremely tired because it's four in the morning, but then you feel so awake all at the same time because everyone else is sleeping.

I yawned as I glanced at myself in the mirror. Joggers, Dean's hoodie, and no make up covered my face. Sure I looked like the cat someone dragged in, but I was comfortable.

The sound of a chime filled my ears and I lazily reached for the phone in my pocket, seeing a message from Dean.

Dean: in the truck now. I'll be there in ten.

I sent him a quick 'ok' before shoving my phone back in my pocket and began to head towards the door of my room.

Today was Benny's final doctors appointment before his surgery next week. Dean and I had promised him we would be there, and we were keeping our word... I just didn't realize his appointments were so early in the morning.

I sighed as I quietly closed my door then headed the small ways down the hallway to the room closest to the staircase.

I open Brie's door slowly and quietly peep my head to see her in a bundle of blankets on her bed.

I let out a small sigh before attempting to close to the door, but her voice stopped me.

"Where are you going?" I heard her voice ask from somewhere in the blankets.

"You're awake?" I asked quietly as I stepped into the room.

"You didn't answer my question." She stated and I sighed.

"Benny has a doctors appointment." I admitted, "I promised I'd be there."

"Oh." She mumbled.

"Yeah..." I muttered back, "Did you want to come?"

"No." She responded.

"Are you hungry?" I tried to ask, "I can go fix you something to eat before I go. It's kinda early, but who doesn't love eating right?"

"No." She answered again.

I was quiet for a moment, "Has Summer texted you any?"


I pursed my lips for a moment, "Have you slept at all, Brie?"


"Are you ok?"

I sighed at her sudden silence before sitting down on her bed.

"You're gonna have to talk one of these days." I said quietly.

"I rather die." She mumbled and I frowned again.


"Just leave me alone Nicole." She mumbled.


"Leave me alone!" She shouted from underneath the covers, "Get out of my room and go to your dumb doctors appointment."

I was quiet for a moment, simply staring at her before standing, then starting at her again.

I shook my head before grabbing one of her blankets and yanking it off of her.

"Nicole-" she started to shout but I stopped her.

"Don't 'Nicole' me." I stated as I yanked off another blanket.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" She shouted as she grabbed a blanket but I quickly yanked it out of her hand, "Nikki get out!"

"No!" I shouted back.

Cheers to Senior Year • books 1-4 Where stories live. Discover now