All I Want For Christmas

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Takes place Christmas Eve Night/Early Christmas Morning (cause Ya'll requested a Christmas scene lol)

Dean's POV

"Dean," Nikki said with a small laugh as she finished wrapping up my hand, "Be more careful out there babe. You can't just do all those things and expect to be alright."

"I could say the same for you Nicole." I say while pulling her closer to me, "Your not as young as you use to be, you just can't pick up all those girls anymore."

"You calling me old Mr. Ambrose?" She asked while smiling up at me.

"I'm calling you wise Miss Bella." I say while giving her a quick kiss.

"I prefer Mrs.Ambrose." She said while a laugh.

"Anything for you." I say then pull her closer to me again for another kiss.

She laughed and pulled back, "Dean, stop it. You know they'll hear us."

"Shouldn't they be sleep anyways?" I ask while kissing her once again.

"It's Christmas Eve Dad." Benny said while barging our bed room, "No I'm not sleep."

"Told you they'd hear." Nikki said with a small laugh.

"Benny-" I start but he stopped me.

"Dad," he whined, "Benny? Seriously? Can't you just call me Ben already. I'm fourteen for Christ sake.

"Well a fourteen year old shouldn't be obsessing over Christmas either." I say to him while Nikki played with a strand of his hair.

"Mom stop." He said while moving her hand gently, "I'm not a kid."

"You grew up too fast for me kiddo." Nikki said while kissing his cheek.

Benny groaned, "Why don't you do this to Sarah?"

"Cause Sarah is too old for this." I said with a laugh, "Where is she anyways?"

He shrugged, "In her room. Probably on the phone or something."

I glanced over at the clock and saw that it was 11:45 pm.

"Let me go get her off the phone." I say with a sigh and exit the room and walk down the hall to Sarah's room.

"No," I heard her say from inside, "I could meet you sometime tonight. Yeah, if they hurry up and go to sleep then maybe I could. Alright, I'll try. Bye bye."

"And who was that?" I ask from the door way and she jumped.

"Dean!" She shouted, "You scared me!"

"I prefer 'dad'," I say while walking over to her, "And who was that?"

"Nobody." She said while hiding her hand behind her back, "Just a friend."

"Was that Charlie?" I ask her.

"What?" She asked me, "No! We broke up Dean I told you... Why did he call the house? Did he say he wants me back? Does he love me. Did he-"

"Sarah," I say with a sigh, "No he hasn't called."

"Oh..." She mumbled, sounding disappointed while sitting on her bed, "God where didn't I mess up with him..."

"What did I tell you?" I say with a sigh as I sit next to her, "He doesn't deserve you sweetheart. You're a princess."

She gave me a small smile, "You think so?"

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