Sexy Nurse Outfit

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Paige's POV

"Alright class," Mr.Keeland said, which caused me to finally lift my head off the table, "Get into groups of six and complete the worksheet. Since there is six of you in a group, I suggest you all work instead of talking because I will assign groups, understand?"

'Complete the worksheet...' I think to myself as I look at the paper in front of me. It was multiple choice, but honestly I didn't know any of this...

'Well,' I think to myself, 'Wouldn't be the first time you failed a paper...'

"Paige!" Renee said to me as she sat down at a round table at the back of the class with Neville, Eva, Seth and Ron.

I grab my paper and a pencil and make my way to the back of the of the class and sat by them.

I look at Seth and see that he's already about half way done with the paper.

"Dang it Seth!" Renee said, "Move you hand! I can't see the answers."

"So you only invited to to your group cause I'm smart?" Seth asked with a laugh.

"Duh, Seth," Ron said while moving Seth's hand and moving and getting answers.

"You guys are mean to him." Neville said with a laugh as he looked at Seth's paper.

"Your one to talk!" I say with a laugh, "Your smart too! Do your own work. The rest of us are stupid."

"I'd like to say I'm pretty smart, thank you." Eva said with a laugh. She was the only one who didn't look at Seth's paper every ten seconds.

Renee groaned, "I need the weekend to be longer than two days. Especially is I have to spend my Sunday at the school cleaning up crap and getting yelled at."

Neville nodded, "Your telling me. That was the stupidest thing ever."

"I really hate Mr.Hansen," I say to them, "Mr.Kelton griped at us for like two seconds, but Mr.Hansen wants to go on and on."

Sunday, which was yesterday, everyone who was involved in the entire 'Operation Scaring the Scarier' had to come to the school for questioning. Alicia had to show them the footage and everything. So Mr.Hansen made all of go to the auditorium and he griped at us for almost a hour strait, shit like 'you should have got an adult' or 'I can't believe you all did that'.

But Mr.Kelton finally showed up and said, something a long the lines of, 'You guys could have gotten hurt... But tell me... Was is fun?'. Which is why everyone loved him. But we had to clean up all of the paint and fix anything that we broke. It was tiring, but it's better than detention until seven o'clock for a week strait, like Mr.Henson had first suggested.

As for Ash, a.k.a, Luke Harper, he's in police custody and will be assigned a court date later on. Luke is already 18 so he can go to prison. And I really hope he does. I mean, mum just got someone to go and repaint my room on Saturday... I kinda miss the swirls on the walls now. Now it's just purple again... I need to get some white paint and paint some on there. And the pictures are almost completely ruined... I don't like thinking about the picture anymore, I don't like thinking about Norwich... I don't like thinking about that voice-

"Paige." Seth said while snapping me out of my thoughts. I look at all of them and see all five of them looking at me in concern.

"You ok?" Eva asked me, sounding worried.

I nod, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Cause you looked like you were having a nightmare," Renee said to me, "Except your eyes were open... And your awake."

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