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I've kinda been grounded lately, .. my bad.. (shield reunion made me cry... Idc how it ended. I loved it.)

Dean's POV

"So," Alicia said as she put some plates into dishes into the sink, "Who's all going to the dance tonight?"

"Not me," Wade said, "As soon as I get off of work, we're packing for New York. We should be headed out by early tomorrow morning. My grandmother should be picking us up from airport."

"I forget you and your parents were going to New York.." Alicia mumbled, sounding slightly sad.

"Yeah," Wade said while putting some old food into the trash, "I'll text you as soon I get off the plane."

She smiled some, "Ok then."

"Texting," Cameron said with a smirk as she piled food into a tray, "Leads to talking, and talking leads to dating, and dating leads to f-"

"La la la!" Alicia sang loudly as she put her finger in her ears, "I can't hear you! I'm not listening! Bla bla bla bla-"

"We get it Fox!"  I say with a small laugh.

She laughed, "Back to my question. Who's going to the dance? I mean, I haven't officially decided to go yet, I'm just trying to see who's going."

"Well not me." Cameron said, "It's just a Winter dance, Fox. A lot of people aren't going cause they're flying out for the holiday."

"What about you Dean?" Alicia asked me.

"I would," I say to her while wiping off a counter, "But I other things to do tonight."

"Such as?" Dolph said as he scrapped some food that somebody didn't eat into the trash.

"We kinda got a movie night tonight." I tell him, "We do it every year. Except this year, I plan on bringing the kids."

"The kids?" Wade asked with a small smile.

"Shut up." I say playfully while rolling my eyes, "I want them to have some fun. Plus it's the holidays, they've never spent the holidays outside of the orphanage. I wanna give them something special."

"You gonna buy them some gifts?" Renee said, barley above a mumble as she put more dishes into the sink.

"Well the girls somehow got a couple skateboards and scooters a few weeks ago." I say to them while scratching my head, still really I sure of how they managed to get those, "I was gonna give them to them. It's a nice gift for kids."

"That's cute," Alicia said, "But back to my question. Are you going Dolph."

"Nah," Dolph said to her, "I think I'm gonna spend some time alone with Lana. It's been a while since we've just had some 'us' time, and we need it."

Alicia sighed, "How about you Kev?"

Kevin didn't answer as he continued to look at him phone.

"Kevin." Alicia said once again, but he didn't look up.

Alicia sighed, grabbed a fry, and threw it at him.

"Hey!" Kevin shouted while looking up at us, "What was that for?"

"I called you like twice Kevin." Alicia said with a sigh, "Are you going to the dance."

"Oh," Kevin said while looking back down at his phone, "No, I'm not."

"Who on earth are you texting so much?" Wade asked him.

"I'm not texting anybody." Kevin said.

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