I don't buy Boy Scout cookies

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Dean's POV

"Are we sneaking people in through the back door now?" Wade asked with a laugh as I entered the kitchen with Sarah and Benny in my arms and Naomi and Roman behind me.

"Babies!" Renee shouted has she ran over to me and immediately gave both of them a hug.

"I'm not a baby Renee!" Sarah said with a smile, "I'm almost a pre pre teen."

"Of course you are." Renee said with a laugh.

"Is Seth still on his way?" I asked Alicia. Seth said he was gonna come up to the restaurant with Paige and hang out since barley anybody was here.

"As far as I know." She said back to me, "He hasn't texted me otherwise."

"Where's Dolph?" I ask them.

"Looking for me?" I hear Dolph ask as he entered the kitchen with Lana right next to him.

"Dolphin!" Sarah shouted while wiggling out of my grasp and ran over to him

"Hey kiddo." Dolph said to her then looked at Roman and Naomi, "Sup guys. What are you guys doing here?"

I sighed, "I was gonna explain that as soon as Seth got here... I need to talk to him first. You girls and Kevin mind watching those two."

"Of course not!" Cameron said.

"Yeah," Alicia said while picking up Benny, "We don't mind at all."

"Does that mean you want me to leave too?" Naomi asked as the others left the room.

"Kinda..." I say to her. I didn't want to exclude her, but I wasn't telling anyone else about this.... Well, except Seth, who I would finally be explaining everything to once he get here... This is the biggest secret I've ever kept from him

"Nams," Roman said, "It's gonna be ok. I'm handling it. Just go out there for a little while."

She sighed, "Fine... But just don't do anything stupid..."

"I promise." He said while giving her a quick kiss, then she walks out into the dining part of the restaurant.

"What's going on?" Wade asked.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, then looked at Dolph who was giving me a strange look.

"They're not finished..." I said to them.

"What do you mean?" Wade asked me.

I sighed and pulled out my phone and went to my messages.

"Um," I say, "Right before I called you, Roman... I got this text."

I handed him my phone and he read the message.

"What does it say?" Dolph asked.

"It'll be easier to bring you down if they're not in the picture..." I trail off.

"This is from the same guys?" Roman asked.

"I don't think the Wyatt's are sending the messages anymore, so don't go on a killing rampage with them." I say to Roman.

"But they're involved in this, no doubt." Wade said, "They're one of the main suppliers."

"Supplying what?" I heard a voice ask and I turn to see Seth standing at the door.

"Uh," Dolph said, "Nothing..."

"You're a terrible liar." Wade mumbled

I sigh, "It's ok guys..."

Cheers to Senior Year • books 1-4 Where stories live. Discover now