Barbie Doll Bat

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Nikki's POV

"Faster!" Sarah shouted, "They're catching up!"

"It won't go any faster!" I shout with a laugh just as Dean and Benny passed us. Benny sticking he tongue at us while Dean made a 'L' sign at us.

"Losers!" Dean shouted back to us as they sped continued down the isle of Walmart.

"Take the short cut through the cereal isle!" Sarah shouted and I nodded while turning the electric biggie down the isle.

Dean, Sarah, Benny, and I were currently racing buggies around Walmart because it was raining outside and it was a pain to simply walk around the store. Plus this was more fun.

We had originally came here to get some snacks and some movies, but it's obvious we found other ways of entertainment.

I sped down the isle as fast I could, then out of the isle and and jumped right in front of Dean and Benny.

"That's cheating!" Benny shouted.

"I'm not loosing to a bunch of girls!" Dean shouted and tried to pass me again.

"Not loose," I shouted back to him as I pulled ahead of him again, "Lost!"

"Is there even an official finish line?" Sarah asked.

"Nope." I respond with a laugh, "But they don't know that."

She laughed and I smiled at the younger girl that sat in my lap, then glanced behind me to see Dean beaming as the bouncing young boy that was standing in the basket that was placed on the buggy.

I smiled and turned back to the front of me, turning down another isle and slowing down some.

"Why are we slowly?" She asked as Dean and Benny passed us, shouting in victory, "They're winning!"

"Let them win." I say to her, "I'll buy you something extra."

"Deal." She said to me and I laughed as I saw Dean and Benny turning.

"We are you Buggy Racing Champions!" Dean shouted while Benny clapped wildly.

Sarah rolled her eyes, "For this time."

"Can we steal these things?" Dean asked, "This would be three times easier to get around in."

"We are not stealing them." I say to him as thunder roared outside the store, "We should probably get our stuff and go before it gets too bad."

"Should I call Roman to come pick us up and drive us back to your place?" Dean asked. We had walked because, though it was cold, it was good exercise, plus the doctor recommended that we do some.

"No!" Benny shouted, "I've never played in the rain before. Let's walk."

"Really?" Dean asked, "Huh. I guess we're walking then."

"But he already has a little cold-" I try to protest but Sarah stopped me.

"Just let him do it." She told me, "He'll like it."

I sighed, as Dean picked Benny up out of the basket and placed him into his lap, "Fine, he can. But you need to wear your jacket."

"Ok Momma," he said while pointing down the hall, "Can we get some candy first?"

I gave a small smile to him and nodded while Dean headed down the hallway.

After another ten minutes, we made out way to the cash registers, then placed the carts back where they belonged before walking out into the down pour.

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