Welcome Back To Hell

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Just let me love their bodies and faces ok..... Ok..... Read the A/N at the end, it explains how the set up of this book will go. On to the story.

Dean's POV

"Stop going to fast!" I shout at Seth as I try to slap his phone away from him and continue to drive with mine.

"Move Dean!" He shouted while trying to push my phone as well. We were currently playing Asphalt 8 and Seth just so happened to be winning... Well for now that is.

I completely knock Seth's phone out of his hand.

"You're a bitch!" Seth shouted as he quickly picked up his phone, but u had already passed him up.

I laugh hysterically as he tries to catch up with me.

I hear the door unlock and I glance up to see Roman walk in with a stupid smile on his face.

"Had a good time?" I ask him as I continue to drive. He had went to work, then had diner with Naomi and her Dad tonight.

"It was great." He said as he plopped on chair.

"Ha!" Seth said bringing my attention back to my phone and I had saw that he had passed me up.

"Cheater!" I said as I tried catching up to him.

"You're a loser!" Seth shouted as he crossed the finish line.

I groan and toss my phone next to me, "This is a stupid game anyways."

"You're such a sore loser!" She shouted with a laugh.

"I am not!" I shout at him, "Roman tell him I'm not a sore loser."

"Dean's not a sore loser." Roman said while texting on his phone.

"Roman," Seth said, "Tell Dean, he is a sore loser."

"Dean's a sore loser." Roman said again and continued to type.

"You are no help at all." I say with a groan.

"Huh?" He asked as he finally looked up from his phone.

I groaned and threw a pillow at him, "Pay attention."

"My bad," he said as his phone beeped. He looked at it and smiled and typed back.

"Nams?" I ask him and he nods.

"You're head over footballs in love with her." Seth said. I couldn't help but laugh. It was stupid, but I found it funny.

"That made no sense Seth." Roman said with a laugh, "But yeah... I love her."

"You said you we're gonna buy her some stuff," I said to him, "I thought you meant like a cheap pair of earrings and shit."

"Yeah," Seth said, "How the hell did you afford any of that? That had to be well over two thousand bucks."

Roman laughed, "I told you guys. I'm good at betting, so people owe me. I have connections, so people can get me somethings. How do you think I got you those Converses last year for Christmas Dean?"

I shrug, "I thought you stole them."

He rolls his eyes, "No."

"So who are these people that give you this stuff." Seth asked.

"Mostly distant family members," Roman said, "But some are just people I know that are willing I help me out. But I never just depend on them. I rarely ask these guys for anything, so when I do, there pretty happy to give it to me."

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