Also known as the fridge

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Story starts on Friday. Onto the story lovely people.

Paige's POV

I groan as I roll over and cover my head with my pillow to cancel out the noise known as my phone ringing.

"Make it stop." I groan. I reacher go back to the nightmare I was having than listen to this damn thing ring any longer.

'The only way it's gonna turn off,' I think to myself, 'Is of you answer it, stupid.'

I groan again and blindly search for my phone on my night stand until I finally feel it and grab it.

I press the answer button quickly and but the phone up to my ear lazily.

"Well good morning Sunshine." I heard Seth's voice say, "Or should I say good afternoon?"

"Afternoon?" I say and sit up some to look at my clock. 12:13 pm.

"Yes afternoon." He said with a small laugh, "You probably slept through all of your alarms."

"Can you blame me? I'm tired from last night." I say with a laugh. Seth and I had stayed up on the phone almost all night... Well, until our phones died.

"I am too," he said to me, "But I still found a way to make it to school."

"You know I'm lazy and stupid." I say to him with a laugh.

"No," he said to me, "Your beautiful and intelligent."

"Sure Sethy." I say as I lay back on my pillow, "So you're at lunch?"

"I'm on lunch break," he said to me, "But I'm walking around the student area because I wanted to talk to you."

"Are you sweet?" I say to him and smile.

"I know I am." He said back to me, "So are you going to attempt to come up here today? Or are you just gonna end up skipping until the game tonight."

"Probably until the game." I say to him with a yawn, "There's no point in even going now. We only have like three hours until it's over anyways."

"Makes sense." He said to me, "So guess who I saw today?"

"Who?" I ask him.

"Luke." He said to me, "I had to run a errand to the ISS building during my Office Aid period."

"Did he say anything to you?" I ask him as I sit up some.

"No," Seth said, "But he's got this creepy ass stare that's just really weird."

"You should have punched his face again." I say with a laugh.

"I was thinking about it." He said with a laugh, "But we kinda got him pretty good on that night."

"Yes you did." I say to him with a small laugh.

"So what are you gonna do until the game starts?" He asked me

"Oh you know," I say to him, "The usual. Sit around, eat, think about you, watch TV, eat again, think about you again, dance around my room, shave a lama, eat again, then eat again, and probably eat again... And think about you some more, then repeat this until the game starts."

"Sounds fun." He said with a laugh.

"Wanna join me." I ask him which a small laugh.

"As much as I would love that Precious," he said, "I have to go back to class."

"I know." I say to him, "You need to too. You're gonna get into all those good collages."

"I don't even know what I want to do yet." He said, "It'll come later I guess."

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