No place I'd rather be

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Seth's POV

"Did you guys hear what's going on tonight?" Stephanie asked as she sat down at the table.

"What?" Paige asked.

"In honor of fear week, there having a haunted school type thing." Stephanie said, "The student council is hosting it. I heard it's suppose to be sorta like a carnival type thing, with some scary items like spiderwebs and fake witch hats and stuff.

"Sounds kinda kiddish," Dean said while taking a bite of his sandwich.

"It sound cute," Nikki said, "Does it cost to get in?"

Stephanie nodded, "But only a dollar. There trying to raise money for Homecoming."

"It sounds like it may be fun though," AJ said, "You guys want to go?"

"I don't know," Punk said, "it sounds like a waist of a good dollar."

"Punk it's literally a dollar," Hunter said with a laugh.

"Yep," Punk said, "It's four quarters, or ten dimes, or twenty-five nickels, or one hundred pennies. Point is, I don't really want to go."

Paige laughed, "Awe, is someone scared of a little spiderweb?"

"I'm scared of Vampires, Ghosts, and Werewolves, but not spiders webs Paige." Punk said.

"Didn't you dress up as a Vampire for Halloween last year?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yes, and I sacred the crap out of myself." Punk said, "The year before that I went as a Werewolf, and traumatized myself. This year I'm going as a ghost, meaning I'm going to wear a sheet over my head. I'm literally going to look at myself in the mirror and run like hell."

We all laugh.

"You know Halloween is on the Friday of the Homecoming game." Roman said, "You think Mr.Kelton will let us dress up?"

"This is Mr.Kelton were talking about," Randy said, "Of course he's gonna let us dress up."

"Back to the topic of the 'scary school'," AJ said, "Do you guys want to go? Cause I'm up for it."

"Well I made it clear that I'm not too up for it." Punk said as he drank some of his water.

"Oh come on Punk," Naomi said, "Why so scared?"

"I'm not scared." Punk said, "It's just I don't want to be at this school more than I actually have to be. Plus what if someone tries to pull a freakin deadly prank?"

Dean rolls his eyes, "Don't let that stuff get in your head."

"I'm not," Punk said.

"Then come tonight." Nikki said, "I mean if everyone else is up to it."

"I'm definitely coming," Stephanie said.

"I have to check with Dad but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to go." Naomi said.

"We're in." Hunter said while gesturing to Randy and Roman who were nodding.

"I'll go," I say.

Paige nods, "I'll go too. I just have to take off work tonight."

"See," AJ said, "We're all gonna go. So come with us."

Punk groaned, "What time does it start?"

"At 8 o'clock." Stephanie said, "but we may want to get here earlier. It's gonna be pretty crowded."

Punk sighed, "I guess I'll come... But if something happens and I just so happen to die... I'm going to come back and haunt you all."

Dean laughs, "Sure you will."

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