World Star

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surpriseeee pov.
warnings, maybe not, maybe so, depends on the person ig

Brie's POV

I stare at the ceiling as my alarm on my phone rang. I'd been up for hours now, so there was no need for it to even be turned on.

I was exhausted really. I had only gotten about 30 minutes of sleep. Not that I was trying to pull an all nighter or anything. Sleep just didn't come like it use to.

I wrap my blanket around me and simply stare at the wall for what seemed like forever, then stand up and walked out of my room. Not caring to get dressed right now.

I walk down the stairs, missing the last one and pathetically trip over my own foot and fall. Pain shooting out of my hand as I looked down and saw that it had a scratch on it.

"Stupid fucking floors," I mumbled to myself while standing up and walking into the kitchen, "Stupid fucking house. Stupid fucking life."

Once I reach the kitchen, I walk over to the sink and begin to wash off the cut. Then grab a paper towel and try it.

"Ouch." I mumbled when I tried to wipe the cut and a sharp pain shot out of it.

"What you do?" I hear a voice say and I look up to see Nikki slowly walking into the kitchen, her back hunched over slightly because that somehow helped with the pain in her chest. Unlike me, she wasn't wearing her pajamas, but strangely wore a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, though she wasn't going to school like I was.

"Did you hurt yourself?" She asked me as she tried to approach me, but I stopped her.

"No shit, Nicole." I say while rolling my eyes.

'You could have said that differently...' I mumbled to myself as she gave me a before silently walking off to the fridge.

"Don't worry about me," I said to her again, "Just worry about yourself."

"I was just asking." She said to me as she took out the milk out of the fridge and set it on the counter before walking over to the cabinets and attempted to reach up for a bowl, but a look of pain crossed her face and she groaned out.

I watched her as she tried to reach for it again, but grunted as her attempt was failed once again.

'Will you freaking help her out?' A voice inside of me shouted, 'God, it's your freaking sister for crying out loud.'

I took a step in her direction, but then suddenly stopped.

'Isn't it funny though?' Another voice said, 'Watching her struggle? Because she's the girl that everyone things is just so strong.'

Before I could stop myself, I let out a laugh and Nikki glanced in my direction before rolling her eyes and finding the strength to grab the bowl. The look of pain in her face making me feel guilty inside.

'Pathetic isn't she?' The voice repeated again.

'Don't you dare call her that.' The other voice shouted.

I bit my lip and stayed silent, unsure of what to say as I watched Nikki walk over to the cabinet and sighed at seeing how high up it was.

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