Accept The Truth

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Roman's POV

I open my eyes slowly as I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

I slowly take one arm from around Naomi and reach into my pocket to grab my phone. I take it out and see three messages.

Nikki: roman, where are you guys? Are you ok? Is Naomi ok? She won't answer her phone... I'm soooooooo sorry about Brie.

Dean: alright, Nikki's freaking out so freakin answer your phone. You guys are alright right? I'm not interrupting anything... Right? .... It was a joke, don't cuss me out. Just answer your phone.

Hunter: dude coach is wondering where you are. Are you really gonna skip practice before a game? He's not gonna be happy about that... Everyone's wondering where you guys are.

I groan slightly and look at the clock on my phone. 3:56 pm.

Wow. I hadn't meant for us to stay in here for the rest of the school day. I hadn't even meant to fall asleep, but I felt strangely comfortable back here with her.

I sigh and text Nikki and Dean, telling them where we were. I would go to practice later on, before it ended anyways. We always had shorter practices on game days so we could rest before the game.

I turn my phone back off and and wrap my hand back around Naomi. I look at her sleeping figure in my arms and I got the weird feeling in my stomach. I found myself getting the feeling a lot more when I was around her.

'It's because you like her you dumbass,' I think to myself, 'Just except it. You, Roman Reigns, are in freaking love with her.'

I shake the thought from my head. I wasn't in love with Naomi... I just... Well I don't know honestly. I like her, in a way...

'Stop lying to yourself,' I think to myself again, 'this is the girl. And other people want your girl...'

I feel myself getting pissed just thinking about it. Randy wants the same thing I do. Randy always gets what he wants without a second thought. Well there was no way in hell I was going to just let him take her...

I felt a tad bit ashamed for thinking about my friend like that, but I couldn't help it. I... Like her, a lot. I'm not saying that I want us to date... I just don't want her dating other people, ever.

"Mine," I mumble as I hold her tighter to me. I scold myself for being so possessive. I was seriously confused. My mind always thought two different things, my actions always acted bipolar with her, and my heart just didn't know what was going on so it just stayed there and hurt like hell every time I screwed up.

Why'd it have to be her? Ever since I remember, we've basically hated each other. We were never 'best friends', we were more like 'frenemies'. I mean we basically hate each other, but we have each others backs.

But now, I didn't know how I felt about her. It's like all the feelings of dislike for her vanished somewhere back at that party... Now every time I was around her, I wanted her closer to me. I wanted her to talk to me. I wanted her to want nobody else but me...

'You need to stop being a dick to her,' I think to myself, 'she has literally given you everything, and you treat her like crap...'

I sigh as I look at her again. You could still see the tear stains on her cheeks from earlier, but God, she was beautiful. When she cried earlier, I felt like everything in me just kinda broke in half then shattered into a million pieces. I honestly never want to see her that upset again. Scratch that, I never wanted to see her she'd another tear, I never wanted to see her frown, I never wanted to see her get angry.

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