Your name is a girls hair accessory

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Paige POV

"I have the results for last Friday's test," Mr.Keeland said to us, "When I call your name, say 'call it' if you want me to say it out loud, otherwise just come to my desk."

Eva groans beside me, "Well I failed."

I laugh slightly, but I'm pretty sure I didn't do to well myself. I mean Seth taught me somethings, but it all just looks like jibberish when I look at it on the paper.

"Mr.Dallas?"Mr.Keeland asked

"Call it," Bo said, "I'm pretty sure I passed."

Mr.Keeland sighed, "32."

"What?!" Bo shouted behind us.

I turn around and smirk at him, "Well someone got shot down pretty quick."

He glares at me, "Shut up, Belvis. If I made that grade then you made worse."

I roll my eyes and turn back around.

"Mr.Adrian?" Mr.Keeland.

"Call it." Neville said.

"88." Mr.Keeland said, "Not bad."

Neville smiled and Seth patted him on his back.

"Miss Marie?" Mr.Keeland asked again.

Eva sighed, "Call it..."

"73." He said.

Eva's mouth dropped, "Are you serious? I actually passed?!"

"How did she pass and I didn't?!" Bo shouted.

"Quite Mr.Dallas," Mr.Keeland said, "Mr.Rollins?"

"Call it."

"98." Mr.Keeland said with a smile, "Very good. It was the highest grade in this class."

"Stupid Faggot," I hear Bo mumble behind me.

I turn around and glare at him, "Don't let that leave your mouth again."

He smirks, "And what are you gonna do about it?"

"Enough you two," Mr.Keeland says, "Miss Belvis, your grade?"

'Either you Call it and everyone knows your stupid,' I think to myself, 'or you go up there and be a wennie...'

"Call it," I say and prepare for the worst

"86." He said and my jaw dropped.

"Did you say the numbers backwards?" I ask him in shock.

"No Miss Belvis," he said to me, "That is your real grade."

I turn to Seth and gave him a small smile. He smiled back and gave me a thumbs up. I turn back around and slip into my thoughts while Mr.Keeland continued to call names.

Things were still very... Awkward between us. I mean we only talk to each other in person right now, we haven't texted each other since before last Wednesday. It's strange because Seth and I text constantly, but now we just...don't. And even when we talk in person, we don't really say much. Just maybe a 'hey' or a 'what time is it'. It almost like we started completely over with our friendship and I don't like it... But too much of a sissy to say, 'let's just go back to normal'. Why? Because normal is Seth crushing on me big time and my not wanting to feel the same, yet I sorta do...

"Mr.Keeland," someone said snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw some kid, probably a underclassmen working office aid, "Your needed to the front office. It won't take but just a minute."

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