It's Ok To Be A Freak

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Nikki's POV

"If you had to be anyone in this world," Dean asked as he grabbed my hand and laid back on the blanket that we had spread on the ground in my front yard, "Who would you be?"

I hum for a second as I think, "I think I wanna be Nicole Bella cause she's pretty damn perfect."

"Nah," he said while pulling me closer to him, "Nicole Bella is pretty fucking flawless and even some more than that y'know. Y'know she's my girlfriend right? Be jealous."

"I am so jealous babe." I say to him with laugh as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Hey Nik?" He asked me.

"Yeah?" I answer him.

"I don't know what college plans you have." He said while sitting up slightly, "but how'd you like to like, I don't know, start a family? I mean it'd be a pretty fucked up family because both of us will barley be out of school and the kids I want, you don't necessarily have to give birth to... But nonetheless, it's a family."

"Those kids have you thinking all crazy." I say to him with a laugh and kiss his cheek, "The Dean that I use to know wouldn't have even considered having a family."

"You think it's crazy?" He asked me.

"I do." I said to him, "But I've been dating this crazy guy for a few months now so I kinda like crazy."

"Oh really?" He said with a slight laugh and quickly rolled over so that he was on top of me.

"Will you get off before someone sees us?" I say with a laugh and try pushing him off of me.

"Too late." I heard my mothers voice snarl and we both glance over to see her glaring at us as she stood near her car, "Nicole, dear, I would highly appreciate if you didn't act like a freak with your hooligan of a boyfriend in my front yard."

"I freak?" Dean asked her, "Well she is your daughter Mrs.B. You look like you were the type to have a train ran on you in high school."

"Dean!" I shouted at him as he laughed and my mother glared at us once again before getting into her car and backing out.

"What I say?" He asked me, "She does."

"That wasn't nice." I say to him.

"I'm not nice." He said to me, "She's not nice. Now, where were we before we were rudely interrupted?"

"About to go in the house and eat some ice cream?" I ask him.

"That's not what we were doing." He said while rolling his eyes and standing up, "But I don't see why we can't go enjoy cream ice."

"Cream ice?" I ask him.

"You know," he said to me, "Ice cream. But only the words are flipped around. Mind boggling I tell you."

"Of course Dean." I say with as laugh as he wrapped a arm around me and we both walked into the house.

We started off eating ice cream and watching whatever random show that was left on the TV, but ended up wrestling on the floor not even ten minutes later.

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