My Everything

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Takes place 2 days before Christmas. Winners of the game in the last chapter at the end. (look at them,.. They so cute😍)

Roman's POV

"I hate snow," Dean mumbles as it continued to fall from the sky as we walked to the entrance of the crowded mall, "I hate crowds, I hate Christmas... Scratch that, I love Christmas, i just hate every day up until Christmas. Cause those days feel like 48 hours, and Christmas Day feels like 10 minutes."

"Oh calm down Dean," I lay with a small laugh as we make our way through the crowd, "Stop over reacting."

"I'm just sayin," Dean said as we dodged some little kids on skateboards, "Christmas was less hectic without girlfriends."

"So you wanna break up with Nikki?" Seth asked with a small laugh.

"Is that what I said?" Dean asked while popping him in the back of the head, "No, it isn't."

"Stop hitting me so hard Dean!" Seth shouted while rubbing the back of his head.

"Stop asking me stupid questions Seth." Dean said back to him while rolling his eyes.

"Stop being stupid in general." Seth said to him.

"Stop being a know it all." Dean said back to him.

"Stop being immature." Seth said to him once again.

"Stop being a dick." Dean said with a smirk.

"Stop being a bitch." Seth said with a scowl.

"Stop being a faggot." Dean said back.

"Stop being a bastard." Seth said back.

"Stop being a-" Dean started but I stopped him.

"Will you two cut it out?" I ask him with a sigh, "Stop being so childish."

They both looked at each other, then smirked.

"You stop being so childish." They both said at the same time.

"I hate you both." I said while rolling my eyes.

"You love us." They both say again.

I roll my eyes again, "Come on. We got to find these gifts."

"Can I give up before I even start?" Dean suggested, "How the hell am I suppose to find a gift for the girl who has everything?"

"You'll know what's good for her," I say to him, "Use good judgement and don't use up all the money Jey sent us."

"Well I don't expect to spend five hundred bucks." Dean said, "I'm smart. Some of this can go towards a bill or something."

"What do girls even like?" Seth asked as we walked past a cart that jewelry on it.

"Diamonds, young man." The middle age lady who was working at the cart said, "Girls love diamonds."

"And I like money in my pocket." Dean said while grabbing Seth's arm and making him walk faster, "We're not interested in your diamonds lady."

"Dean don't be rude." I say with a small laugh as I jog slightly to keep up with the two of them, "Stop walking so dang fast."

"I wasn't being rude." Dean said as he slowed back to a normal pace, "I just didn't want Seth being sucked into the world of 'high prices' and 'debit' and 'over priced shit'."

"Sounds scary." Seth said as we walked around the corner, "But honestly guys. What are we gonna get them."

"Well what does Paige like?" I heard a voice ask behind us and we turn to see Randy walking with Hunter and Punk, "I mean besides nothing and nobody."

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