You are truly crazy Ambrose

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Read 'My Story Ideas'! I'll explain in the A/N... ON TO THE STORY

Dean's POV

I groan as I attempt to roll over on my bed, but I end up falling and hitting the floor.

I groan again as the pain from the fall surged through me.

"Well isn't that a nice way to wake up." I heard Roman's voice say and I groan again, then place my hands over my eyes.

"Get out my room," I ask him.

"I'm not in your room Dean." He said back to me with a sigh, "Open your eyes."

I slowly open my eyes and move my hands from over my eyes.

I look up at the ceiling and see that it isn't mine. Then I sit up and look around. The ER waiting room.

"When did I fall asleep?" I ask him, last night was a little foggy.

"After I gave you that shot." Dwayne said while sitting in the chair next to Jimmy.

I raise a eyebrow and touch my arm, ms it hurt when I applied pressure to it.

"Why the hell did you give me a shot?" I ask.

"Because you were trying to kill people." Jimmy said while taking a sip of his coffee.

I raise a eyebrow, "I was?"

All three of them look at me.

"How much of last night do you remember." Roman asked me.

"I remember walking down the hall to go see this guy," I say to them, "That's about it."

"You don't remember anything else?" Roman asked and I shook my head.

"You probably blacked out after getting to mad." Jimmy said.

"That not a very good thing..." Dwayne said, "Work on your anger some, Dean."

I shrug, "I can't help it."

"Now I see why they call you Lunatic." Jimmy said with a small laugh.

"So refresh my memory about last night." I say while standing up but felt nauseous when I did. I groan and hold my stomach.

Dwayne laughed a little, "You feel dizzy?"

"And like I'm gonna throw up." I say and sit down on the small couch.

"It's some side affects of the medicine I put in the shot." He told me, "Don't worry, they'll wear off pretty soon."

"I hope so," I say and prop my feet on the coffee table, "Now tell me what happened. Who is this guy again?"

Roman sighed, "A guy you hate."

I raise a eyebrow, "Kane Jacobs?"

"No." He said to me.

"Mr.Keeland?" I guess again.

"No." He said back to me again.

"Everyone from One Direction?" I guess once again.

"What?" Roman said.

"Stop hatin on One Direction!" Jimmy said with a laugh.

"Roman just tell me." I say with a groan, "Or give me a hint or some shit."

Roman sighed, "His first name is Brandon..."

I think for a minutes, "I don't know any Brandon's... "

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