I'm Walking Across That Stage

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This picture bout makes me mad 😒

Dean's POV

Dean: Hey Neville Buddy. You didn't happen to do last nights English homework now did you? 😅 I can't afford to fail another six weeks man, I'm trying to graduate in the top ten 😂

I set my phone down and yawn, it was around 5 in the morning, but thank God it was Friday.

I don't see why school makes us wake up at the ungodly time in the morning.

And I always have to wake up earlier to find someone who actually did the homework and copy off of them, cause Seth won't just let me just 'cheat' off of him, cause that's not 'fair'.

Does he not understand that High School is a team effort? If the person sitting next to me has the answers, then I have the answers. That's not cheating, that's teamwork. We're all in this together.

I'm basically just trying to graduate at this point people, don't judge me.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up to read the message.

Neville: really Dean? 🙄 do you only text me to get homework?

Dean: NO! Why would you even assume that?? I thought we had a true friendship Neville 😨.... Are you still gonna send those answers?

Neville: 🙄 I'll send you a picture Dean.

Dean: thanks Neville. You know I owe you one man. So how've you been?

Neville: you owe me more than just once Dean. This is like the 7th time this week. And I'm doing good.

Dean: that's good man. What you and Seth do the other day? He came home all bubblyish and shit.

Neville: 😂 what do you mean?

Dean: when he went home with you on Wednesday. When we were at the grocery store.

Neville: Dean, what? I didn't go to the grocery store Wednesday 😕

Dean: what? But you and Seth left the store together.

Neville: Dean, I promise you, Seth and I weren't together anywhere on Wednesday.

Dean: your not lying are you?

Neville: not one bit man.

Dean: ok. I'll talk to Seth.

Neville: don't hurt him

Dean: he lied, so no promises.

I set my phone down and look at Seth's sleeping figure and thought about waking him up to confront him... But I decided to let him sleep for now. I'll give him hell about this the seconds he wakes up.

My phone buzzed again and it was a picture of the homework that Neville had done.

I text him a thank you, grab my homework out of my bag and walk into the living room where I see Roman sitting reading something, but looked sleepy.

"What are you doing up this early?" I ask him as I sit on the couch next to him.

"You never know when Keeland is giving a pop quiz over this shit." He said whirl gesturing to his textbook, "I'm just studying some."

"See," I say to him, "There's the difference between you and me. You actually study, while I do this."

"Is that the answers to the English homework?" He asked me and I nodded as I began to copy down the answers.

"Let me see that when you get done." He said to me, "I wasn't gonna do it at all... But since you have the answers."

"I gotcha brother." I say to him, "I'll just be glad when I graduate and never have to do all this again."

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