The Art Of Throwing Shade

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First chapter of the 3rd book.
Takes place a few days later.

Nikki's POV

I groaned as stopped my alarm and turned back over in my bed. Winter break was officially over and I just about wanted to cry because of it.

I didn't want to go back to school, I'm pretty sure no one did. But I have a variety of reason to not want to go back to that hell hole. Such as, it's too early to wake up, it's too cold to get out of bed, two of my friends are arguing and one just so happens to still be pissed at me.

I honestly didn't think telling Paige would be that big of a deal... But they did break up... So maybe he has the right to be mad at me...

I couldn't believe they actually broke up... Out of everything they've been through together, they just cut it all off right there. I know for a fact that they just didn't stop loving each other. Maybe there's some way that they can actually set everything aside and get back together...

Regardless of that. I still didn't want to go to school today, but I found myself dragging myself reluctantly out of my bed and over to my closet.

I didn't know weather to wear the new clothes I had gotten for Christmas or to just wear sweatpants because I didn't feel like dressing up today.

I sighed and grabbed a white tank top, one of Dean's hoodies that he let me barrow that he would never get back, Jeans, and my black trainers.

I lay the items on the bed, then go to the bathroom to shower quickly, then walked back out, my hair in a wet messy bun, and changed into my clothes.

I grab my phone off my nightstand and make my way downstairs and into the kitchen where Brie was standing, dressed her newly bought clothes and was texting away on her phone.

She looked up at me and scrunched her noes in disgust.

"You do realize you look like a rats ass this morning, right?" She said cruelly while holding up her phone, "Say hello to the Snap."

"Don't take any pictures of me Brie." I say to her as I held my hand against face.

"Stop dressing like we have no money and I won't have to take a picture of you," she said with a shrug.

I glare at her slightly, "What's wrong with what I'm wearing."

"Can you spell 'Goodwill'? She sneered at me, "Your entire outfit looks like it came straight out of a second hand store."

"And what's wrong with that?" I ask her while crossing my arms, "Not everyone can afford name brand everything Brianna."

"And I feel so sorry for them," she said with fake sympathy in her voice, "but I think that even the poor can afford stuff that looks better than that dirty hoodie your wearing."

"This is Deans." I growl at her slightly.

"Oh," she said, "That explains it. He's at the bottom at the financial income ladder anyways."

"You are so full of it." I say while grabbing my keys off of the island and walking out of the kitchen and towards the front door.

"I'm so sorry that the truth hurts." She called after me, "I really hope you and Dean don't plan on getting married, cause he'll never be able to support you, or those two little bastards he wants."

I stopped dead in my tracks and clinched my fists so hard that my knuckles turned white.

"Brianna." I say slowly as I walked back to the kitchen, "There are somethings that I can handle. Some of those things include you talking bad about me and about what I wear. Other things include you talking about the love of my life, Dean Ambrose. But the one thing I will not tolerate is you talking about those kids."

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