talking nasty

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Nikki's POV

"What took you so long BellaBear?" Dean asked as I tiredly entered the waiting room.

"The elevator was out and I had to take the stairs." I said as I walked over to him, sitting in between him and Seth, "God, I need to work out more."

"You work out anymore and you'll be as skinny as my pinky finger." He commented back to me.

"You got chubby fingers." I say while grabbing his hand.

"I got slender finger." He said while kissing the back of my hand, "You should know by now because I have no troubles slipping them in your-"

"La la la la la la la!" Seth shouted loudly as he clamped his hands over his head, "La la la la la la! La la la la la la la-"

"Will you shut up?" Dean said while shoving Seth's arm.

"Will you stop talking nasty?" Seth questioned him, "Geez I don't wanna hear about what you to do when they lights are off and the doors are closed."

Dean scrunched his noes, "Why wait for the lights to go off? Nikki's got the body of a fucking model. I love it."

Seth rolled his eyes, "Stop. Speaking. Dean."

I laughed and squeezed Dean's hand tightly and he smirked at the contact.

"Stop messing with your brother." I said to him, "Besides, I rather you keep that information to yourself."

"I can't help it that I wanna show you off." He told me and I gave a small smile just as our raven haired friend entered the room with beads of sweat on her forehead.

"You alright?" Seth asked as he reached for her but she immediately backed away from him.

"Don't touch me." She shooed him, "I'm literally covered in sweat. But yes, I'm fine."

"How's Summer?" Dean asked her.

"Premature labor." Paige said to her.

"What?" Seth asked, "She said she was only 5 months?"

"She can't have that kid yet." Dean mumbled, "You can't have a kid that early... can you?"

"Relax." Paige told them as she plopped in a chair next to me, "She doesn't have much of a choice. Premature birth happens often within teenage pregnancies. She's gonna have to have a C-section because she hasn't dilated much at all and with her oxygen levels being as low as they are, she needs to give birth in order for the baby to be healthy enough to survive."

"So there's a possibility the baby couldn't make it?" Seth asked.

"There's always a chance." She said with a sigh, "There's a chance Summer won't make it. There's always a chance of things going wrong. But you just gotta believe they won't."

"What does Summer think of all this?" I asked her.

Paige gave a small laugh, "She's hurting and exhausted but... I don't know, I think I gained a bit of respect for her while being back there. She's pretty determined to make it out of surgery with a healthy baby boy. I've never actually seen Summer do anything but tear other people down, so seeing it was a change, but it's a change for the better. I wish her well."

Dean sighed, "I hope she's alright. I mean, I don't like Summer, but she doesn't deserve to lose her kid because I dislike her."

"Guys." I heard a voice comment and we looked towards the door of the waiting room to see Kevin standing there along with Renee, Alicia and Wade, "Where's Summer?"

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