Do You Need A Hug?

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Roman's POV

"You want me to do what?" Sarah asked as she crossed her arms.

I sighed. I thought asking her to make Dean feel better would be easy, but it was actually very complicated. But this is Sarah we're talking about. She makes everything complicated. It's what made Sarah, well Sarah.

"Just talk to Dean." Seth said as he picked up Benny who was playing with one of the toy cars he was bringing with him to hour house... That is if we could ever leave the orphanage with Sarah being this stubborn.

"Why does he need to be talked to again?" She asked while looking at her nails which she had painted just moments before.

"Sarah." I ask with a sigh, "Do you love Dean?"

"Well duh." She said to me.

"Then don't you wanna just talk to him and make him feel better?" I ask her.

"Sure." She said, "But what's in it for me?"

"Deans happiness?" Seth suggested.

"I can't buy a toy or food with happiness." Sarah stated, "If I could then I wouldn't be the mean person I am today."

"I will buy you that wrestling action figure that you wanted if you come." I say to her with a sigh.

"And?" She asked, wanting me to continue.

"A happy meal from McDonalds." I say to her once again.

"And?" She said once more.

"And if you don't come on you won't get anything." I say and pretend to walk towards the door.

"Ok ok fine." She said while grabbing my arm so I'd stop walking, "I'm coming. Don't leave me here."

"Bingo." I say while picking her up, "Let's go."

After 15 minutes of forcing Sarah to get into her seatbelt and 10 more minutes of figuring out how Benny's car seat worked, we had finally made it onto the road and to our house. And after a few minutes of that, we finally made it home.

"So what's wrong with him?" Sarah asked as we entered the house and Benny continued to make car noises as he walked back to Deans room and we followed.

"His dad died." I say to her. I knew she could make Dean feel better. Seth and I had tried all last night to help him. But he only pushed us away.

I was also having a hard time understanding why he was so upset.

His dad was absolutely horrible to him. Probably more horrible than whatever he has actually let us know. How could he be upset over a death of a person who treated him in such a way.

"Oh..." Sarah said, "Is he ok?"

"Well that's why we brought you and Benny over." I say to her, "You make him feel better."

"Great," she said with a sigh as we stopped at Dean and Seth's door and Benny continued to make car noises, "Now I feel the pressure."

I laughed slightly as Seth opened the door and Benny immediately walked in and continued his car noises as he ran his toy car on the imaginary road, also know as air, over to Dean.

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