Last Man Standing

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Chapter as a bit of a twist I'm trying out 🙂 enjoy

Dean's POV

I groan, sitting up slightly, only to have a sudden pain strike my head and I find myself laying back down unwillingly.

"Get him up." I hear a commanding voice say, then the feeling of being roughly stood up.

"Hold him up straighter Erick." Another voice said.

"What-" I started to say, but stopped as the person delivered a blow so hard to my stomach, that is whoever this was wasn't holding me up, I surely would have doubled over in pain.

"Enough Wyatt." The other voice said, "Give him a chance to speak. You and Eric may exit. Give me a chance to speak to the boy."

"Speak to him?" The other voice said, "Since when have you spoken to anyone. Since when have you tried to reason with-"

"I said you can exit." The Commanding voice said,

It was quite for a moment before I heard a sadistic laugh that made me shiver.

"You are not the instrument of destruction you use to be." The voice said, "Come Eric, we will have our time with the little lamb later."

As soon as the Eric guy let go, I immediately fell to the ground and I heard them laugh as they exited the room.

It was silent for a few seconds and I dreaded every second of it.

"I'm going to make this simple and quick." The voice said, "Cooperate and this can end smoothly. Where is that damn folder?"

"What?" I ask him.

"Where." He said dangerously, "Is. That. Folder."

"I don't know what you talking about-" I started to say, but then I felt myself being lifted up until I was eye to eye with the person in front of me.

The person that I had only see one other time, but had heard do much about it, his name stuck fear into my heart.

The Undertaker.

"I'm going to ask you one more time-" he started but I interrupted him.

"I swear I don't know what your talking about." I say to him, "Nothing at all I promise. I'm not lying I swear. Please... Just let me go please."

"You know exactly what in talking about." He said whirl shaking me slightly.

"I swear I don't." I immediately said, "I swear to God. Please believe me please."

He gave me a long hard stare and my breathing was uneven through the entire process.

"If you don't remember," he said to me, "Then let me get some people to help jog your memory."

"Wyatt." He shouted and they immediately enter the room, "Rowan. See if you can help Ambrose with his memory."

'Bray?' I think to myself as i finally get a good look at him.

Bray looked at The Undertaker, "Why can't you? It looks as though someone is losing there touch, aren't they?"

"Shut the hell up and do your job." He said as he sent him a glare and walked out of the room.

"With pleasure." Bray said with a laugh before turning towards me, "Are you ready, little lamb?"

I was about to ask him about the 'little lamb' creepy shit, but the only thing that came out of my mouth before I got the ground was a painful groan.

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