Do you know how hard it is?

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Part 1

Deans POV

"Nothin's like doing time to build better character." AJ sighed from the adjacent cell as she drew a tally mark.

"Where did you even get a piece of chalk?" Stephanie asked her.

AJ pointed to the snoring lady in the corner of their cell, "It was under her butt."

"Gross..." she commented quietly before signing and sitting down, "This floor is so dirty."

"Get over it princess." Punk said from the floor of our cell, "We did the crime, we gotta do the time. What are you in here for, huh? Spraying perfume or something?"

"Punk, were all here for the same reason." Hunter said while shaking his head, "Stop acting like your a prison veteran."

"Well I've got nothin better to do." Punk said with a sigh, "Those scared straight shows have it all wrong. Jail is boring."

"That's because we're still in the station." I told him with a groan before leaving my head against the bars, "This ridiculously boring station."

Dean Ambrose was feeling very fucked up right now ladies and gentlemen.

My chest felt like it had a small blazing fire inside of it because of all the hits I took, and my ribs weren't feeling too hot either, no doubt there bruised.

But I wasn't worried about my physical injuries at the moment.

My mind was set on finding Bray, but I had no idea where he would be, nor could I get to him if I could because I'm rotting in a cell at this very moment.

I glanced around and sighed at what I saw.

Punk was drumming his fingers on his knee cap while Hunter paced the cell, mumbling something about how his parents were going to kill him.

Randy was in one corner of the cell with his head leaned against the wall and eyes glued shut, while Roman sat on the other side of the cell, Seth fast asleep next to him while he talked in a hushed tone to Naomi who was in the cell directly next to us.

In the other cell, Steph quietly sat on the floor while AJ was making drawings in the dust on the floor.

Paige had her head leaned on Naomi while she continued to talk to Roman, and Nikki sat on the bench, eyes closed and appeared to be in a light sleep.

I sighed again, I haven't had a chance to talk to her lately and that bothered me, especially with the conversation we need to have about this entire baby situation.

"Can we play some music?" Punk groaned.

"They took my phone." I say with a shrug, "So I guess not."

"They didn't take mine." He said to me while taking it out of his pocket, "but I don't have any data to get on Spotify. Hunter let me use your hot spot."

"Wait you have a hot spot?" Roman immediately asked.

"I don't have my phone Punk." Hunter told, "And yeah, I can turn my phone into a hot spot."

"Why are you now just telling me this?" Roman asked, "Do you know how many times I've been in wifi-less places with you and you never told me you have a source?"

I rolled my eyes at their conversation and crossed my arms as I watched the two bicker for a few minutes.

"I just wanna listen to music." Punk mumbled while opening his phone, "No music, no happiness."

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