Family Reunion

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Seth's POV

Did you get my cards?
Did you read love letter?
Did it touch your heart?
When you read my love letter?

I roll over and groan slightly as I heard the music play.

"Why are we playing old people music?" I heard Sarah's voice shout say from somewhere.

"It's not old people music!" I heard Jey shout with a laugh from somewhere.

"Yes it is!" She shouted back.

"Sarah!" Dean shouted, "Stop yelling!"

"You're yelling!" Sarah shouted, "And it was in my ear!"

I heard Dean groan loudly, but didn't respond loud enough for me to hear.

I roll over and open my eyes. The first thing I notice is that I ended up falling asleep on the couch last night. The second thing I noticed was that Jimmy, Jey and Dwayne had arrived, they have a key, so I'm pretty sure they let themselves in.

I glance at the clock on the side table, 8:26 am. I always fail to realize why The Usos and Dwayne decide to wake up so freakin early.

I see Sarah make her way into the living room. She climbs on top of me and sits on my stomach.

"I'm hungry." She said to me.

"Aren't you always?" I say with a yawn.

"Make me food." She said to me while bouncing slightly.

I groan, but sit up and she falls into my lap.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask her as I pick her up and carry her into the kitchen.

"Food." She said back to me.

"What kind of food?" I ask her with a sigh.

"The kind you put in your mouth." She said back to me.

I groan slightly and she laughed. I had learned that she loved to aggravate me. I couldn't get too mad at her, she wouldn't let me. Like last night at the game, she hit me in the face and I stopped talking to her and she immediately started apologizing like crazy.

We enter the kitchen and I see Jimmy and Jey there, but not Dwayne.

"Where's Dwayne?" I ask them as Jimmy turned down the music he was playing off of his phone.

"He didn't come with us," Jey said to me, "He took his car and went to the store to go get all the foods that we're going to cook."

"What are we eating anyways?" I ask him as I continue to look for something to eat while Sarah looked along with me.

"Dwayne said he wanted to do some stuff on the grill he brung," Jimmy said, "Burgers, some ribs. Also Fries and other sides. I also think he said something about making Pisua."

I quickly turn around and look at him which causes me to almost drop Sarah.

"He's making Pisua?" I ask him excitedly.

"Did someone say Pisua?" I heard Dean shout then I see him and Roman enter the kitchen quickly, with Benny right behind them.

"Why are boys so attracted to food?" Sarah said while shaking her head, "And what's Pisua?"

"Pisua," Jey said, "Is a Samoan dessert. It's Coconut and Caramel."

"It's the best thing I ever tasted." Roman said while sitting down at the table with the Uso's.

Sarah raised a eyebrow, "Can't you just buy that in a candy bar at the store?"

"No." Dean, Roman and I practically shouted.

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