What does 'No' mean in Spanish?

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Paige's POV

"I swear that we come home to the strangest shit." I say as I enter the kitchen with Roman and Nikki.

"Um," Roman corrected, "You don't live here."

"Shut up." I say and peek out of the kitchen and back into the living room, "This is a new type of strange."

"There must be a good explanation for them to tie up a human being." Nikki said calmly, "Maybe we should just talk this out."

"She's right." Roman said as the three of us walked back into the living room.

"Ok Dean.Want to explain why..." Roman trailed off as he looked at the man who said his name was Alberto, "Why he's here."

"Well," Dean said, "He looked at me funny."

"What?" Roman shouted and Dean simply smirked.

"Dean, baby," Nikki said, "Be serious."

"Alright, alright, alright." Dean said with a sigh, "He came into the house, had a gun. We did our thing. Now he's in a chair."

Roman stopped and turned to the man in the chair, "You came into my house, with a gun? Why aren't you dead yet?"

"Cause someone took the bar away from me." Naomi mumbled and we all looked at her and she simply shrugged.

"I didn't want a murder on your hands Nams." Dean said while rolling his eyes, "You should thank me."

"That's my girl." Roman mumbled and she gave him a small smile.

"Don't encourage her dude!" Dean said to him, then turned to the man, "I saved your live Alberto Del Burrito, so be grateful."

"Del Rio!" Alberto shouted at him then started shouting things in Spanish once again.

"Can someone tell him to shut the fuck up?" Dean groaned.

"Cállate!" Seth and Nikki shouted at the same time and Dean just stared at Nikki.

"That was sexy." Dean said and Seth it the back of his head, "Wrong time?"

"Yeah," Seth said while rolling his eyes, "Pretty much."

"Can you translate what he says to English?" Roman asked.

"He can speak English." Nikki said, "He just won't."

"Tienes razón." Del Rio said to Nikki with a smirk.

"Do I need to get my bat?" Naomi asked him and his eyes widened slightly.

"No." He said with a groan.

"What did he say?" Dean asked.

"He said no." Seth said to him.

"What does 'No' mean in Spanish?" Dean asked Seth and Seth pinched the bridge of his noes.

"It means no, Dean." Seth said to him.

"I'm confused." Dean said.

"Eres tonto como cogida." Alberto mumbled.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Seth said back to him.

"What did he say?" Dean asked him and punched Seth on the arm, "I know it wasn't nice! What he say!"

"Calm down Dean. It's not important." Nikki said to Dean before looking back at the man, "We need you to talk to us. Quicker you talk. Quicker you can leave."

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