Help me spit in the food

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Dean's POV

I groan slightly as my eyes fluttered open, the light shining slightly through the curtains.

I attempt to sit up, but pain shot out of my lower back and I quickly laid back down.

'Someone beat me with a stick.' I think to myself with a groan then slowly raise myself up, pain still shooting everywhere, but more bearable this time.

I look on my nightstand and see water and three pills set there along with a note.

Dean, this is the medicine your suppose to take this morning. I put a few pain killers in a ziplock bag in the drawer. You only got 5, use them wisely. Have a good day. Relax, take it easy, we'll bring your school work so you won't fall behind. Jimmy and Jey will be here this afternoon so we can go check out some new cars. So if the door suddenly unlocks, it's them. Love you. ~Seth :)

I sighed, remembering that Seth and Roman had decided to go back to school today, leaving me here alone.

I grab the pills and quickly pop them into my mouth before grabbing the water and taking a few sips.

I slowly stand up and I remind myself of a old person trying to stand.

"This is ridiculous." I mumbled to myself as i slowly walked to the living room, "You're 18, not 80."

I slowly lower myself into one of the chairs and grab the remote to the TV. Turning it to the morning news since I knew nothing else would be on this early in the morning.

Grabbing my phone, I click on Instagram and start scrolling on my news feed. It'd been a while since I'd even checked it.

I stop on a video Renee had posted yesterday and had tagged me in. I pressed play and began to watch it.

"Make some noise if you miss Dean Ambrose!" Renee shouted to the rest of them and Wade, Alicia, Kevin, Cameron, and Dolph began to beat on several pots and pans.

"We need you back Ambrose." Dolph said.

"Yeah." Kevin said, "Who else is gonna help me spit in the food."

"Kevin!" Renee shouted and the video quickly ended, leaving me attempting not to laugh for the sake of my back.

I scroll some more and see a video that Nikki was tagged in by Sasha.

"Hey there Bella." Sasha said and Becky attempted to pop her head into the video, "Beck, knock it off."

"I wanna say hi too!" Becky protested and Sasha groaned.

"Fine." Sasha said, then went back to smiling, "We just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery to you and your boo and we hope you have a good day."

"Hey Nikki!" Becky said while making a funny face, "We love you!"

The video and I simply smiled and continued to scroll, seeing my named be tagged once again, this time by Xaiver.

"Gentlemen!" Xaiver shouted back, "Come closer. I got a selfie stick for this shit."

I laughed slightly as Xaiver lifted the phone up, revealing Kofi, Big E, Enzo, Cass, Chris, Shamus, Simon and Adien.

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