Asylum Material

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Dean's POV

When I was 4 years old, I could run around at full speed with no problem.

I could wake up most mornings and feel fairly well.

I didn't have any disorders, I didn't have any conditions, there was nothing wrong with me and I took it all for granted.

If I could take any pain or soar or ache that Benny was feeling right now, I promise that I would.

Why did he have to go through this? Why couldn't have it been me, it would have been better in the long run. God, I should have been me, why isn't it me?

"You're thinking too loud." Roman said to me and my attention snaps to him, I hadn't even remembered him being there. I notice that Seth was on the other side of him, looking tired but somehow was keeping his eyes open. The girls all sat together on the uncomfortable looking couch. Nikki in the middle while Paige rested her head on her shoulder with her eyes closed while Naomj rested her head on the wall and held onto Nikki's hand tightly while Nikki herself was staring blankly at the wall that I was near.

"Sorry." I mumbled to Roman and leaned back in the chair.

"Don't worry about it man." He said while rubbing my back, "It's gonna be alright man."

"I hope." I speak quietly, but my mood brightened seeing a small girl walk in the room.

"Sarah." I practically shout as she walked into the waiting room. She simply looked at me and the look on her face almost broke my heart.

"Come sit with me." I say to her quietly, and without even protesting like normal, she walked over to me and crawled onto my lap.

I sighed as I held her closer to me and se laid her head on my chest and stayed quiet.

"So much for that adopting stuff, huh?" She asked with a small laugh, but her body began to tremble in my arms.

"Never in a million years," I say to her softly and run her back in an attempt to calm her down, "What were you doing back there?"

"Benny won't take shots unless I'm with him." She said to me.

"He's awake?" I ask her, I still wasn't fully aware of his condition at the moment, I just knew that he was here, and I didn't want him anywhere near here.

"He's awake, then he'll fall back asleep." She said as she shifted into a more comfortable position and yawned.

"Why don't you sleep some?" I ask her.

"If your best friend was back there," she asked me as she closed her eyes, "Would you be sleeping?"

"Good point." I say to her and kiss her forehead, "But your a growing little girl, you need your beauty sleep. I'm a old man, I don't need that anymore."

"You're right." She said with another yawn, "You are old."

I laughed slightly as she drifted off to sleep.

Sarah made me feel a bit calmer, but I was still worried beyond belief right now.

"You got any money?" I asked Roman and he shrugged before digging in his pocket and pulling out a ten dollar bill and handed it to me.

"Watch Sarah?" I ask him and he nodded and took the sleeping child into his arms, "I'm gonna go see if there's anything to get the little guy in the gift shop. It'll keep my mind occupied."

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