Tell You Later

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Part 2

Dean's POV

My body was cold from the night air, but it felt worse as my blood seemed to turn into ice water coursing through my veins.

My back was still turned to him.


Him, being a friend, a good friend at that.

Someone who I was dearly close to, but now stood feet behind me with a gun in his hand, ready to take away my life.

I didn't know what to feel besides fear.

Every time I was in a deadly situation, I felt like I could make it out because everyone I trusted was on my side...

Now, someone that I trusted held the gun, held the bullets, and held the control.

I took a shaky breath, watching my breath turn into fog as it went throughout the night air.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him and it remained silent.

"If you're gonna kill me Randy then I wanna fucking know why." I tell him, my heart still beating wildly, "What did I do to you, huh? What did I do?"

"Nothing." I heard his voice say quietly

"Then why the fuck are you doing this?" I shouted out.

"Because I don't have a choice Dean." He growled a bit, then remained silent and sighed, "If you actually think I want to do this... you truly don't know me like I thought you did."

"I don't know you?" I asked harshly as I whipped around, "You're one of my closet friends and your..."

I trail off as I soaked in the sight of him standing before me.

He looked a mess. Body visibly shaking, even within the dim light it was highly noticeable. He weakly held the gun, holding it towards more of my legs than my back or head. A shot there, I could survive that...

"You're..." I tried starting my sentence but I couldn't find my voice.

"I'm sorry." He told me, "You... just dont understand how much I am."

"Then explain it to me." I tell him, "Just put the gun down... and just talk to me Randy."

"I can't just do that Dean." He mumbled while raising the wepon slightly.

"Wait, wait, wait." I say immediately as I outstreched my hands, "wait, man, yes you can. Just talk me, this doesn't have to end like this Randy, just talk. I-I can help you. Please... just let me help you."

He stayed quiet, never lowering the gun though.

"The night she took the folder to Sting." He spoke, "That's the night we broke things off.. When I left, I ran into Miz. He gave me a card and I remember him saying 'call this if you ever get tired of being lonely'."

"I never paid it any mind until I actually began to get lonely." He admitted, "I had pushed everyone away and practically forced myself to be alone. I was beating myself up and I remember looking at the card, then calling it."

"I really didn't know what to expect, but when I called, a woman answered." He said to me, "She immediately started asking me about a job, and I never directly answered her before hanging up on her."

"They called back, but this time a man was there to speak with me... he told me all these things about this certain job. All the benefits I could have if I did it." He continued, "It was so... convincing... so tempting... even the sound of the mans voice... and it sound like everything was just 100% perfect."

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