Take Me Away

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Story starts on the week before they release for Winter Break... Look at this tweet... It made me cry. Just yes. Your riding with all my favorites (I'm bringing to like the Wyatt's a lot now, even though with the feud... AND ROMAN DEAN AND PAIGE AND CESARO LIKE YES)

Nikki's POV

"I better not get one of those losers as my Secret Santa." Brie said loudly to Summer while passing by our table.

"I don't get that girl," Punk said, "I thought we were ok with each other now..."

"Don't you know Punk?" Naomi said while picking at one of the French Fries on her tray, "Never trust a bitch. And I made the mistake by thinking she would change. I shouldn't have known."

She mutters some more choice words to herself and I sigh quietly.

These past three weeks haven't been too... Happy? That would be a nice way of putting it.

Actually, Happy is far from the truth. Words such as Hellish, Dramatic, full of bullshit and lies. For the six of us, it's felt almost miserable. Which is odd, because it's around Christmas time and everyone is suppose to be all happy and cheery.

First of all, were finally done for the season, which is sad because it's my senior year, but at least we beat Jasport two weeks ago and put them out of the season. We lost last week to some school that had boys that were two times bigger that Roman, Ryback, and Big Show. But even though they were huge, it was a pretty close game. We lost by a touchdown and we were pretty close to scoring another, but it didn't happen.

But honestly, losing a football game was the least of the drama. What happened at the game was what was dramatic. Like Brie dropping Naomi and she sprained her ankle, then laughed. Naomi's ok now, but she's been distant as hell and every time she even sees Brie, it's like some kind of flame ignites.

On the subject of my sister Brianna Bella. It seems like the very second that we walked into the school after Thanksgiving break, she because a bitch once again. But almost two times as bad as she was before. She seriously calls out everybody, no matter who they are. Even if they didn't mess with her, it's ridiculous.

And on top of that, her and Summer and once again 'best friends'. And I hate how Summer is basically using the pregnant thing. She acts like its cute to be a senior that's pregnant. And everyone is just so excited for her. Like give me a fucking break. And Dean's not too happy about her doing it either.

And Dean's been worried a lot more lately. He spent his birthday, which was around two weeks ago, holding Benny's hand to get some shots. He's been a little more sick lately and Dean's been on edge.

And the thing that bothers me the most is that I know there some stiff going on between the eleven of us. But nobody's saying anything and everyone's keeping more to themselves, even myself.

"So," Roman asked, "How's Basketball practice Punk?"

Punk sighed, "These Juniors don't give a shit about the game. They can't block, They can't pass... I'll be surprised if we even win a game this year."

Naomi laughed slightly, "Coach won't let me play till my doctors note time ends. I still got two days and the game is tomorrow."

Punk shook his head, "No offense Nams, but the girls suck this year."

"None taken." She said, "I know we suck. And not to be vain, but they need me out there. My ankle feels fine and I need to play unless they want us to lose. And Coach Allen keeps catching attitude with me. When I freakin quit then he'll regret all that."

Cheers to Senior Year • books 1-4 Where stories live. Discover now