Little Piece of Heaven

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Dean's POV

I walk into the house and slam the door shut behind me.

I can't believe that just happened. It just added on to the list of things I have to worry about.

Nikki wouldn't snitch on me... Right? I mean, we've been friends for a pretty good while now.

I groan and run a hand through my hair, which is still completely soaked. I walk to the room I share with Seth and hid my jacket under my bed. Then I take my shirt off and change my pants.

I walk into the kitchen and find Seth there eating cookies and playing on his phone.

I can't help but smile. Seth had always acted more innocent than the rest of us. It's not his fault, it's just how he acts. We've all learned to like it, and we take advantage of it. It's like having a little brother.

But I've realized that other people recognize his innocent ways too. And most people make fun of him for it, such as that bastard Brock.

It makes him a easy target, and I can't stand it. He was a good kid and didn't deserve to be treated the way he does.

He looks from his and smiles at me with a mouth full of cookies, "Hey Dean."

"Sup Seth." I say while I walk over to the fridge and grab beer. With all that happened today, I deserve it.

"Where were ya?" He asks looking back at his phone, "I called you a couple times to see if you needed me to come and get you. Did you walk home?"

"I had turned it off earlier. So I probably didn't get them." I say as I pull out my iPhone 5s and turn it on. It was honestly the only thing I have that's worth something. Romans cousins, Jimmy and Jey, and bought them for us last Christmas. They agreed to pay the bill for us, so it was one less thing we had to worry about.

"Oh," Seth said, "So you walked home? That's kinda a long way Dean."

I shake my head, "Nikki dropped me off."

"Oh well that was nice of her." Seth said, I saw him smirking behind his phone.

I raise an eyebrow, "What are you smiling about?"

He looks at me and pushes up his glasses, "What? I can't smile now?" He asks.

"Not when I just mentioned a girl, you can't." I say to him, though I already knew what he was thinking.

I couldn't fall for Nikki. I've been saying that since freshman year, and I refuse to let myself like her. Though every year I find it getting harder and harder to do so.

I refuse to drag her into the Hell known as my life. I refuse to let her get caught up in the rumors that will spread if we ever became a thing. I refuse to love her and then lose her, because I know for a fact that it's going to happen if I have feelings for her.

And sometimes I feel like she likes me... And I try everything in my power to drive her away. To hurt her to a point where she'll just except us being friends instead of anything more.

It's cruel. I know. But I'm cruel. What did you expect?

I tried to stop thinking about her, but after what just happened, she's the only thing on my mind.

"Well this is interesting." Seth said looking at his phone.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"Go look at Summer's Twitter page." He tells me and I do so.

Summertime6: @ Theofficialambrose and @ HttpBrie my TooCuteTuseday!

HttpBrie: we cute!

Attached to the tweet was a picture of me and Brie kissing behind the school.

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