When did it go wrong?

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The video on the slide made my day... Seriously❤️😂 in honor of the undertaker (he scares me though...)

Part two of two... Takes place before the others arrive at Suicide Hill.

Nikki's POV

I groan loudly as I open my eyes, thus igniting a full blown migraine.

I weakly roll over and look the the ceiling, realizing it wasn't my own.

I felt myself beginning to panic as memories began to come back to my mind.

'Dean, arguing, going to school, grabbing, screaming, inhaling... Nothing...' I think to myself.

I try to take a deep breath but immediately regret it. I moan as I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I try to raise my arms, but it hurt my entire to move any at all.

'Where am I....' I think to myself as I take short breaths, even though it still hurt like hell.

I glance around the room. I could barley see anything. The only light provided was by moon light and from my position of the floor it made it difficult.

There were something's I could make out. Like a broken chair, a dusty couch, a table with a small vase, and a couple other items, but that's about it.

'Is there a exit in here?' I think to myself. I was hopeless if I just laid here.

I glance at the wall next to me. If I could just lean against that, I'd be able to see better.

I try to move my entire body, but the pain is too agonizing and I stop. I try to catch my breath but it's just about impossible.

'Nicole,' I think to myself, 'How are you even still alive?'

I shake the thought from my head, I mean I didn't want to be dead... But the way my body was feeling right now, I think death would be the easy way out.

'You gotta sit up Nikki,' I tell myself, 'You can see better and maybe be able to get out...'

I take the deepest breath I could, and try to move my body towards the wall. I move a couple inches but end up screaming because of the pain, but it wasn't really a scream, in fact nothing came out of my mouth, but I basically screamed in my head.

'So basically,' I think to myself, 'This is one of those bad dreams where I can't move or speak... Except it's reality... Great...'

I groan and try to move myself again and I make a little more progress, but ever inch I move the pain grows worse and worse.

'Just die...' I tell myself as I collapse on the floor again.

I so badly wanted to give up. I wanted to lay here and just let my life slip away, that's how bad I was hurting right now. Call me weak if you want, I'd just agree with you.

But as bad as I wanted to give up, there was this little part in me that was not giving up. This little part in me that wouldn't quit. I was so close to the wall... All I needed to do was get there a little bit more, then push myself up. Pushing myself up was definitely going to be a challenge...

'You got this.' I say to myself as I try to use my arms to do a type of army crawl to get to the wall.

Pain surged throughout me and my breathing became uneasy and life threatening, but I didn't stop. I was getting to this wall, weather I died trying or not.

After what felt like days, even though it was only a couple of minutes, I had finally reached the wall.

I stop moving and go into a coughing fit. I felt like my lungs were about to explode, but the real challenge hasn't even happened yet. I still had to push myself up right.

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