In Present Time

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Paige's POV

"I would appreciate it if you would give me my shit back Japser!" I shout at him as he climbed the ladder up to my old tree house that my father built for me when I was younger.

"Let me think about it Paigy." He teased as he took my phone out of his pocket and shook it, "I don't think so."

"I'm gonna tell your mom!" I shout at him, "Give it back!"

"I don't care if you tell!" She shouted with a laugh, "This is my phone now."

I groaned, then looked up when I heard my phone ringing.

"Who is this person named 'Nicole' that is calling your phone?" He asked with a smirk.

"Give me my phone Jasper!" I shout, "That a friend."

"I rather answer it myself." He said while looking at the picture that shows every time se calls, "She's hot."

"She's taken!" I shout at him, "I'm going to come up there!"

"Hello?" I hear him say as he put the phone up to his ear, "No, this is her phone. I'm here cousin Jasper."

"Jasper!" I shout as I begin to climb the latter, "I'm going to kill you!"

Jasper laughed, "Yes that was her. She's a bit angry at the moment."

"Jasper I'm going to full blown kill you I swear on everything." I say while getting closer to the top.

"You're a very pretty girl from what I've seen." He said to her and I roll my eyes and prayed that Dean was near and would tell him off.

"Your boyfriend doesn't have to know about me darling." He said with a smirk, as I pulled myself in the tree house.

I saw his facial expressions change and I smirked. I knew Dean probably had my phone and was giving him a war full.

"Would you like to give me my phone now?" I ask with a smirk.

He grunted and roughly shoved the phone in my hand.

"And another thing British Boy," Dean Ranted as I put the phone to my ear.

"Dean!" I shout at him with a laugh, "He's gone. I apologize for my cousins stupidity."

He let out a sigh, "I swear I was about to punch him."

"Through the phone?" I ask with a laugh, "Don't worry about him, he's ugly anyways."

"I heard that." Jasper shouted from the corner of the treehouse.

I rolled my eyes, "Let me talk to Nikki!"

"I'm here Paige!" I heard her say.

"Hey bae," I say to her, "So how are things back in the states?"

"Just regular and all," she said with a laugh, "So how's England? Are you having fun?"

I shrug, "A little bit I guess. I mean it's not bad."

"I told you, you'd have fun." She said to me.

"It's only been a day Bella," I say to her, "Calm it down."

"Your having fun and that's all that matters." She said with a laugh, "See, you would have regretted if you wouldn't have gone. Why didn't you want to go anyways?"

"No reason," I quickly say, and Jasper gave me a look. I just flipped him off and he rolled his eyes, "I just didn't think i'd have any fun. Guess I was wrong and all."

"I guess so." She said with a small laugh.

"Hey Nikki!" I hear Roman shout and Naomi laugh, "Dean almost blew up the house! We all almost died!"

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