Ice Cream War Champion

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Seth's POV

"Seth," I hear a voice say, "Seth, come on man. Time to wake up."

I groan and slowly open my eyes to see Dean standing there. His eyes were slightly red and his face was a little puffy.

"Dean?" I ask, "Are you ok?" It looked like he had been crying.

He smiles at me, "I'm fine, Seth. But it looks like you had a good night."

I snort, "Yeah right." I try to stretch but something was holding me back.

I look down and see that Paige had her arms around my stomach and was sleeping peacefully.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks, as I remembered how she got there.

Dean chuckled slightly, "Well you made it half way to first base."

I blush again, "Shut up," I look around the room and Roman wasn't there, "Where'd Roman go?"

Dean rubbed the back of his neck, "He went to go visit Dolph, before we left."

"What happened when I left?" I ask him. Roman didn't want to tell me.

Dean shakes his head, "Nothing. Don't worry about it dude."

I give him a questioning look, "Dean? I have a question."

"Go for, Architect." He says to me.

"Where were you? And don't just tell me 'out', or 'nowhere'. I want the truth."

He sighs, "I was really just out, Seth."

"Dean." I say sternly, I wanted to yell at him, but I didn't want Paige to wake up.

"Alright, alright," he says raising his hands defensively, "I was looking for something."

I raise an eyebrow, "What is that 'something'?"

"A someone..." Dean mumbles.

"And that 'someone' is?" I ask.

He sighs and ran a hand through his hair, "Dolph." He says barley above a whisper.

"Why were you looking for Dolph?" I ask him, "Did you know that he was hurt before I told you?"

Dean shook his head, "I was suppose to meet him after school and he didn't show up, so I decided to go look for him."

I raise a eyebrow, "So you stayed out for over four hours looking for him without calling anyone, or picking up your phone, or telling us where we were going? Not to mention the fact that you lied to us in the first place. You told me and Roman two completely different places you'd be."

"My phone was turned off, I didn't want you guys to worry and I lost track of the time, I'm sorry." He said shrugging his shoulders.

Something just didn't add up, "Dean, there's something your not telling me, and I need to know what it is."

Dean shakes his head, "I draw the line there Rollins."

"Why? What on earth won't you tell me Dean? I'm one of your best friends. Your suppose to trust me!" I shout and Paige shifts on me. I take a deep breath and try to calm down.

"I am not, and I repeat not, going to get you involved in this bullshit, do you understand?" He says to be, "And don't even start with the 'best friend' crap. Yeah we're best friends, and best friends keep there other best friends alive. And that exactly what I'm doing with you. Do you want to end up like Dolph or worse? Do you?

I shake my head slowly, "No."

"Then you don't need to know." Dean said plopping down in one of the chairs.

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