You look less fabulous

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Ok this chapter starts on Friday. I skipped over Thursday because Thursday is for chumps... Wait... SMACKDOWN comes on, on Thursdays... ON TO THE STORY!

Dean's POV

"Be careful alright?" Nikki said as she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I will," I tell her, "And you be careful too. I don't need you breaking your neck with all those flips you do."

She smiled, "See you at the game."

I wave to her and walk out to the car. The school was getting ready to put on a pep rally before the game, and Nikki had to stay and cheer do it. I on the other hand, had to go pick up some rugrats, a.k.a Sarah and Benny.

I had promised to take them to a football game one day... I don't think they'll be expecting today. Plus, I was going to see what Megan could do about letting me keep them for the entire night so they could spend the night at my house.

I hop in the car, then start it and drive down the road.

Honestly , I was kinda excited. It had been almost a full week since I had seen either one of them. I mean I called them about two or three days ago, but it's different seeing them in person.

I drive for about twenty minutes and finally pull into the parking lot of 'Sheridan's Gifted Orphanage' or as Sarah called it, 'The Unwanted House'.

I park the car, get out, and walk to the front door and go inside.

I had never been inside of here. The last time, I sent Roman and Naomi to come get them. The building was pretty big and inside it kinda reminded me of a waiting room at the doctors office.

I walk up to the middle aged lady at the front desk, "I need to speak with Megan Adams, please."

She nodded, "Sending her a message right now, sweet pea. She'll be here soon."

Megan Adams was the lady that helped us get the kids to leave the first time. I've spoken with her over the phone and she seems pretty cool. Sarah and Benny think the same thing as well.

"Hey," I hear as a lady around her early twenties said as she approached me, "You must be Dean. I'm Megan, well yeah, you must know that."

I smile at her and shake her hand, "Nice to finally meet you in person."

"You as well," She said with a smile, "Come on. I think Benny is in his room and Sarah is in the lunch hall."

She leads me down a hallways with several doors on each side. She stops in front of one and knocks.

"Benny Bear!" She said, "You in here?"

"Yes!" He said back, "I'm too busy colorings Meagan! You opens the door!"

We both smiled as she opened the door to the room. Benny was lying in the center of the room with crayons scattered everywhere.

"I'm coloring a dinosaur." He said while he continued to color, "It's gonna be black and yellow, like a bumble bee."

"A bumble bee as in a bug," I ask him, "or Bumble Bee as in Transformers?"

His head shoots up and he looks at me with wide eyes, then smiles.

"Dean!" He shouted as ran over to me and hugged my leg, "What are you doing here?"

"Well," I say as I pick him up, "Didn't I promise to take you and Sarah to a football game?"

"I didn't know you meant today!" He said to me.

I smile and look at Megan, "I was kinda wondering... If they could spend the night at my place? And kinda hang out with me tomorrow? My friend has some family coming down tonight, and I'd really like for them to meet them. Plus, it'd be fun."

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