Calling Me At 2 In The Morning

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Roman's POV

"Son," the firefighter said to me one last time, "I'm going to ask you one more time to back up. Well get your friend out, he'll be fine. But you aren't going in there."

I opened my mouth to respond but I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"He understands son." Naomi spoke for me while grabbing my hand and slowly leading me away from him, "Come on Roman."

"Naomi am not leaving." I say to her, but not resisting her pulling me away.

I was currently wanting to pull my hair out, again.

Why did this always happen to us? Car accidents, fucking burning buildings, what's next? We all drown or something? Let me not jinx it.

Seth was in that building. So was Paige and Randy, but my mind was focused on Seth.

The school had released all classes and encouraged all of us to leave, but several people stayed behind. I wanted to somehow get in, but unlike out police department, our fire department, weren't quite as stupid, and definitely weren't letting us in.

"I'm not saying you have to leave." She said to me, "But you have to calm down. There the professionals, they'll get them out. You have to trust them to do their jobs properly."

"I don't give a fuck if there professionals or not, Naomi." I snapped while yanking my arm away from her, "Don't fucking tell me to calm down. That's my brother in there-"

"Stop it right there." She interrupted, "Calm the hell down now. You are not going to stand here and take your frustrations out on me. Am I understood?"

"Uh yeah..." I mumbled while rubbing the back of my neck, regretting my current actions, "I'm sorry."

She sighed, "It's ok. I know your worried. But what hasn't Seth gotten out of before?"

I didn't respond to her, but only keep my eyes set on the building that currently had smoke coming from the roof.

'Get out of there...' I mumbled to myself, praying that he was making good decisions. Praying that he was being careful. Praying that he'd be out of there soon.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and I sighed, guessing it was Dean. I take it out and see that I wrong.

It was a unknown number, but I immediately recognized as my Moms old cell number.

'Hell no.' I say and press the ignore call button before slipping the phone back into my pocket. I was not talking to that woman now or ever.

"Who was that?" Naomi asked me.

"Random number." I told her and she gave me a strange look, but didn't comment further on the subject.

"There!" I heard someone shout and I looked around before seeing a body trying to come out of a busted window.

"That's them!" I shouted while grabbing Naomi's hand. I could tell that the firefighters hadn't caught on yet, which I was thankful for because I didn't feel like hearing 'don't get to close to the heat'.

The first one out was a young girl and I couldn't really make out her face at the moment.

"Go get some people to help carry them to an ambulance." I say to Naomi and she nodded before jogging off.

"Are you alright?" I asked, kneeling down next to her. She coughed wildly but nodded.

Seconds later another body came out and collapsed onto the ground, from the black hair I could tell it was Paige.

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