Spitters are quitters

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Nikki's POV

"This is so much better than Romeo and Juliet." Naomi said to Paige and I as I pulled into my driveway, "It's borderline perfect."

"So what did they switch the play to?" I asked her as we stepped out of the car. I hug Deans jacket closer to me as the harsh winter wind whipped around us.

"The Six Seeds." She explained to me, "It's a Greek myth about the gods. Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, who is the goddess of Harvest and Hades, the lord of the underworld-"

"So is it going to be a scary play?" Paige piped up suddenly.

"No." Naomi explained, "I think it's more of a love story. You see, there's a story-"

"Sorry then love." Paige said again as we entered the house, "Not too interested in a history lesson. I'm done with school for today."

Naomi playfully rolled her eyes and shoved her as we entered my house, "It's really interesting if you'd just listen."

"You know for a fact that I only listen when there is food involved." Paige said to her and we all laughed as we walked into the kitchen.

"Speaking of food," I say to them, "I went grocery shopping a few days ago, so there should be plenty to eat around here."

"There won't be by the time I leave." Paige said and Naomi laughed as they walked over to the fridge, my phone ringing moments later.

I gave a small smile as I looked at the screens before sliding my finger across it and raising the phone to my ear.

"Well hello Mr.Skipper." I say into the phone as I walked out into the hallway, "To what do I owe this call?"

"I miss school for one day and start speaking all fancy on me?" I hear Dean's raspy voice respond, but it cracking slightly.

"Are you ok?" I asked him, voice filling with concern.

"Have you ever seen, like a cactus on fire?" He asked me, but didn't give me any time to respond, "That's what my throat fills like right now."

I frown, "Dean, baby you should rest. Take some medicine."

"I've been resting all day woman." He responded, "I wanted to hear your voice, it's the only medicine I'll ever need. I just need to stay out of the night air for a while princess, I'll be fine."

"Well alright..." I mumbled.

"Hey stop worrying." He said to me with a small laugh which turned into a small cough, "It's not life or death. If it makes you feel any better, Roman's like throwing up all his guts into the toilet-"

"Gross Dean gross." I say as I shuttered.

"And Seth's playing doctor." He continued with another laugh, "So I could be in a worse position."

"If you wouldn't have called me this morning, we would have come over and helped you boys out." I respond to him.

"We don't need help-" he started to say, then began coughing through his sentence, "Goddamn it."

"Well be over in a hour." I responded to him.

"No-" he stated to say but I stopped him.

"Don't say no to me Dean." I responded to him, "We're coming. Now stay in bed and warm. I love you and I'll see you soon."

He groaned slightly, "I love you too."

"Don't groan at me young man." I said to him with a smile smile before hanging up.

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