Scaring the Scarier

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Dean's POV

I groan as I slowly open my eyes and allow the sun go burn the hell out of them.

My head immediately started hurting the exact minute I opened my eyes, even if it was just a little bit. And this is how I knew I had the hangover of the century.

Last night was a complete mess...

'The night wasn't a complete mess,' I think to myself, 'YOU were a complete mess...'

I groan slightly at the thought. I couldn't have been that out if it... Right.

'Nope,' I think to myself, 'You were out of it alright! You completely disrespected and upset the girl of your dreams. Now how does that make you feel, dumbass?'

I felt a wave of gilt rush over me, even though I try to convince myself that I have nothing to be guilty about.

'Not only did you upset her,' I think to myself, 'But your friends as well. Two of those friends being like your brothers!'

I really wish that my conscious would shut the hell up. I mean I'm basically beating myself up...

'You need to be beat up physically for all the damage you done.' The voice in my head said again.

I roll my eyes. Is there anyway to shut this thing up.

'No you can't shut me up,' the voice said again, 'I'm your conscious for crying out loud! I'm like the little angle on you shoulder.'

I raise a eyebrow. Well where's the little devil on my shoulder?

'He couldn't make it... Aka he doesn't like dealing with stupid people like you, like you fucked up bad.' The voice said to me.

I groan and close my eyes back. Your not a very nice angel...

'I'm your angle Dean and your not very nice either...' the voice said, 'I'm basically the one who keeps you sane, so appreciate me, bitch.'

I growl slightly. Your driving me insane.

'It's kinda my job' the voice said, 'and stop growling. You'll wake up the girl.'

'What?' I think to myself.

'Open your eyes Dean,' the voice said to me, 'It's time for you to face reality. Goodbye for now, but I'll be sure to be back anytime you fuck up buddy.'

I snap my eyes open and I immediately regret it. Never in my life had I had a hangover this bad.

I groan and try to get my eyes to adjust to the light. And when they do, I realize that I'm not in my own room.

'Ok...' I think to myself, 'Where are you...'

I try to replay memories in my head, and I could slowly remember some things but others were still cloudy.

Arguing with Nikki...
Nikki leaving the house...
Crying like a little bitch about it...
Getting a text from Roman...
Nikki was missing...
Going to the school...
Going to Suicide Hill...
Finding Nikki...
Arguing with everyone...
Uh... What else...

"Think Dean." I mumble out loud. I sigh when I can't remember anything.

I try sitting up but I stop when I see a arm wrapped around my stomach.

'Oh God...' I think to myself, 'Please don't tell me I slept with someone, please God no...'

I am going to freakin kill myself if I did... I really just hope this chick accidentally fell asleep here. Who was this chick anyways.

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