Gimme a little Justice

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Dean is a beautiful human being... Just wanted to say that... ON TO THE STORY!

Dean's POV

"Oh my God," I hear Nikki's voice say over the phone, "Is she alright? Where is she?"

I glance back into the Paige's living room and see Paige and Seth sleeping together on the couch.

"She's sleeping right now," I tell her, "She's alright right now, I think she's just really shaken up. Her mom and the police are checking out the room right now. She's have to wake up and explain so stuff to them later."

I hear her sigh, "This is way past the line. They need to find this guy and arrest him."

I sigh, "If it were that easy, he would have been caught and arrested last year when this guy attacked that kid at the school."

I hear her yawn and I kinda regret calling her at two in the morning, but she and the others needed to know.

"Hey," I tell her, "I'll let you get your rest alright? We got school in the morning anyway."

"I'll see you there baby," she told me, "be careful over there ok?"

"Alright," I tell her, "Love you."

"Love you too." She says then I hang up.

A couple seconds later Roman walks back into the house.

"Who'd you get ahold of?" I ask him.

"Just Naomi," he said to me, "None of the others would pick up their phones. Can't really blame them though. I wouldn't pick up my phone at this hour either."

I nod as Ms.Belvis walks over to us. She looked stressed out. She had rushed from work to get back here and now she had to deal with this. I felt bad for her.

"Boys," she said while giving us a small smile, "Can you come to the living room? The police want to ask some questions with all of you there."

"No problem," Roman said as we both walk to the living room and sit in the chairs next to the couch.

"Seth," I say while reaching over to tap his arm, "Wake up bud."

He groaned but slowly opened his eyes and yawned. He looked confused at first, but I think reality began to come back to him.

"What are we doing?" He asked with a yawn.

I gesture to the police who were coming down the stairs, "They want to ask questions. Wake Paige up."

He sighs but gently shakes her arm and whispers something in her ear.

I frown to slightly. They literally just started there relationship and there going through a hell of a lot of crap.

Paige yawns and sits up. Seth pulls her closer to him and she lays her head on his shoulder.

"Alright," one of the officers said as he pulled out a notepad and pen, "We have couple questions to ask you. First question, where were you this afternoon."

"I was at school," Paige said to them tiredly, "Then I went to work. I stay at my job, which I working with my mother, till around 10:30 every time I work. Then I head home."

The offices nodded, "Had you come back home at all today?"

"No," Paige said to them.

"Explain to us what happened when you got back home." The other officer said.

"Well I got home," Paige said, "And I went to the kitchen at first to get something to drink... Then I went up to my room..."

"And that's when you saw all of the damage?" The officer asked her and she nodded.

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