Good night

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Last Chapter in Book One (if you don't understand, read the last A/N)

Nikki's POV

I groan into the phone as I look out my window.

"What?" Paige said back to me.

"I hate it when people start putting out Christmas decorations right after Halloween." I say to her as I watch my neighbor try to hang up lights on their house, "Like hello, we still have Thanksgiving."

"I love Thanksgiving," Paige said with a laugh, "It gives me a excuse to stuff my face and no one can judge me."

"Same babe." I say with a laugh, "So did you ever find a dress for tonight."

"Mum found one for me," Paige said, "It's pretty, I guess. It's something I'd wear so that's good. I'm not really looking forward to this..."

"Why?" I ask her.

"Cause it's a dance," Paige said to me, "And dances normally cause for drama on Monday morning."

"Then why are you even going?" I ask her with a laugh.

She sighed, "Cause it's my 'senior year'. I'm supposed to make this the best year of my life.. Might as well try something new."

I heard something break in the background.

"Did you seriously just break my bowl?" I heard Paige ask with a laugh.

"You have like a million others downstairs." I heard Seth say with a laugh.

"Why didn't you tell me Seth was at your house?" I whine, "Hey Seth!"

"Sup Nik!" I heard him shout back.

"Go take a bath or something!" Paige shouted with a laugh.

"You love my stink." I heard him say.

"You two are so strange." I say with a laugh.

"I'm as strange as they get, doll." Paige said with a laugh, "I gotta go clean up this glass bowl Seth dropped, bye Nik. I'll see you at the dance."

"Bye Paigy." I say then hang up the phone.

I walk over to my bed and lay back down then decide to scroll through Twitter because there is seriously nothing better to do at the moment.

@ ReneeisYoung: When you in your feels and Sam Smith is the only cure 🙌😂

@ BankStatment: dat paper 💰💰, #BrokePeopleSayings 😂

@ Naomifatu4 : ready for snow and fire places 🔥❄️ #winter

@ TheOfficialAmbrose: @ NicoleBela five weeks with you and we still have a lifetime to go 😍❤️☺️😘

I smile and decide to send him a text.

Nikki: Best five weeks of my life baby😍❤️ #Yas

A few minutes later he responded.

Dean: #Yas? What the heck is a Yas?

Nikki: the world met never know 😂 love you Deany ❤️

Dean: love you darling 😍

'Apple needs to come out with new emojis so I can express my feelings more' I think to myself with a laugh as I turn my phone off and slip it into my sweatpants pocket.

I walk downstairs to the living room and see both of my parents there watching the News.

"Good morning." I say to them, but just like normal they continued to act like I was a freakin ghost and continued to watch TV.

Cheers to Senior Year • books 1-4 Where stories live. Discover now