Won't Be A Night To Forget

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I didn't make this picture... Ok I did... I wanna see that movie. ONTO THE STORY!

Seth's POV

"It's cold!" Dean shouted as the wind blew harder, "Can we please go back home?!"

"Who's dumb idea was for us to go to the park anyways?" I ask as I shove my hands deeper in my pockets.

"That would have to be Ortans." Roman said and rolled his eyes.

"It is not that cold." Randy said as he hugged his jacket closer to him.

"Says you!" Punk said while bouncing the basketball as we continued to walk, "You're cold blooded."

"I wanted to play basketball." Randy said back to him.

"They don't have any places where we can play basketball inside?" Hunter asked as we went through the gate of the old park and over to the basketball court, "I don't even want to play because it's too cold."

"It's only like 30 degrees." Randy said, "It'll get warmer as we play."

"30 degrees?" Dean shouted, "Randal O'Keith Ortan! I should murder you for making me come out in this shit!"

He rolled his eyes, "You said you wanted to come, so it's not my fault."

"I asked you if it was cold." Dean said, "And you said 'nah not really.'"

"It's not that cold." Randy said, "Now we can either play Three on three or two on two."

"I guess you guys are playing two on two." I say while walking over to the pavilion and sitting on top of the picnic table, "Cause I'm not playing."

"Come on Seth." Punk said.

"I suck as basketball." I say to him, "Hell I suck as sports."

"I can teach you." He offered.

"Nope." I say to him.

"Stop taking my 'Nopes'" Dean said, "It only sounds good when I say it."

"Sure Dean," I say to him, "Sure."

"So who's not gonna play this round?" Randy asked.

"I'll sit out." Hunter said while sitting down on the bench next to me.

"Alright," Randy said, "I call being on Punk's team!"

"That not fair!" Roman and Dean both shouted at the same time.

"It's plenty fair." Punk said with a laugh, "Now let's play."

For about the next twenty minutes they talked crap and played the game. Punk and Randy were winning but not by much. At first they were playing just to say that they won, but now they just seem to be playing for some fun.

"You shoot the ball like a girl." Punk said to Randy with a laugh.

"I do not." Randy said and tossed the ball to Dean.

"I'm gonna try that to do the Michael Jordan sign." Dean said.

"Go for it." Roman said with a laugh.

Dean took a running start and did some weird kinda jump and threw the ball. It didn't even go in and we all laughed.

"Well," Dean said, "I tried."

"So," Randy said, "How was the family dinner?"

Roman groaned, "You had to bring that up."

"Well I wanna know how it went," Randy said, "I texted Nams and she said to ask you."

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