'Sweet Boyfriend Gestures'

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Dean's POV

"Hurry up, Roman!" I shout while hitting the bathroom door. "You take longer than women!"

"I've literally been in here for three minutes!" He shouts from the other side of the door.

"Three minutes too long!" I shout back.

"Oh come on, Roman," Seth said smirking while coming to stand next to me, "He wants to hurry and get in there so he can get all dressed up to impress Nikki."

I glare at him, "Does your back still hurt from that tattoo?"

He shrugs, "I don't really know."

I hit him on his back and he shouted, "OUCH!"

I smirk, "I guess it still does."

"Dean," I hear Roman say, "Stop hitting Seth."

"When you get out the the bathroom, I'll stop hitting Seth." I say with a smirk and hit Seth on his back again.

"Cut it out!" Seth shouted pushing me slightly.

"Don't push me." I say pushing him back with a smirk.

"Roman hurry up!" Seth shouted while walking back into our room, "My back feels I have third degree burns now, thanks to that Lunatic! If you would hurry up in the bathroom, this wouldn't have happened."

"Oh shut up!" Roman said playfully, "If you wouldn't have been trying to impress Paige by getting tattoos your back wouldn't be hurting in the first place!"

"I wasn't trying to impress her!" Seth shouted, "I was drunk and I just so happened to want to get a tattoo!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Roman shouted.

"Maybe if you would stop trying to brush your hair like a damn Barbie doll, then I wouldn't have had to hit Seth, and his back wouldn't be hurting right now!" I shout while hitting the door repeatedly.

He open the door and glared to me, "Nikki's in love with a child." He says as he walked out the bathroom.

"And she loves me!" I shout.

"Make it quick Dean," Seth said coming out our room with different clothes on, "School starts in 30 minutes."

I groan as I close the bathroom door. I really hated Monday's. I need another day off. We literally spent all Sunday doing nothing, well we taught Seth how to work off a hangover, but honestly that wasn't really exciting. The only thing I was looking forward to was seeing Nikki.

So far we haven't told anyone except the people were closest to, which is Roman, Seth, Naomi and Paige. Nobody else knew, and they'd probably find out today.

Normally, I'm not one to worry about what people think, and I'm still not... But if they say one bad thing about Nikki and I swear I might lose it.

'Should I change my hair up?' I think to myself as I look in the mirror, 'there's not much to change about it...' Then I look down at my regular jacket, t-shirt and jeans, 'Do I need to change this?'

I shake my head. I wasn't really sure about myself when it can to this whole 'boyfriend' thing. Like I'm suppose to impress her, but not change myself too much... Girl are confusing.

I sigh and comb my hair, I'm not sure why though, it's going to get messed up anyway. I'll just ask Nikki what she wants me to wear tomorrow, that should clear up the confusion.

I open the bathroom door and walk into the kitchen to grab a apple to eat. But when I look in the bowl there aren't any.

"Alright!" I shout, "Who ate my last apple?"

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