Freaking Shiz

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don't tell me this man ain't ADORABLE AS A CHILE

Roman's POV

I've had my fair share of early morning disruptions, but this one was by far the most confusing... And weird.

"Beer?" Dean asked the man that stood at our fridge, still glancing around in it as he was trying to look for a drink; Dean silly firmly holding the pistol in his hand.

"But we don't even drink like that... I barley drink at all." Seth whispered loudly to me and I punched him in the shoulder to quiet him.

"Yes, Beer." The man replied, then stuck his head back into our fridge.

"Listen man," Dean said to me, "We don't have any beer, so get the hell out of my fridge. And get the hell out of my house before I put a bullet in your chest."

"Is his aim even that good?" Seth asked me and I stilled a smirk while Dean shot us both a glare.

"Can it, Seth." Dean said to him, ten turned his attention back to the man, "Man, will you get out of my fridge?"

"You said you wanted to meet up and this is the hospitality I receive." He said while shaking his head, "Shameful."

"Meet you?" I asked Dean, "You know him."

"If I knew him, do you think I would be holding a gun at him?" Dean asked while throwing his hands in the air.

"It's kinda pointed at the ceiling now." Seth commented.

"Say one more thing Seth and it'll be pointed at you." Dean mumbled then turned back to the man, "Identify yourself."

"Oh come on now," he commented, "Think Dean."

"How do you know my name?" Dean asked again, "Are you trying to kill me like the rest of those fuckers. Well if you are, if think of a plan, because it looks like I'm the only one with a weapon here."

"And what if I did have a weapon?" He asked.

"That would be very unfortunate for us..." Seth mumbled and I nodded.

The man laughed, "I don't, because it want my plan to come kill you. Think Dean. We've spoken before. Twice now if I'm thinking correctly."

Dean stared at him with a confused look, "What are you... Wait."

"Now your thinking." The man said with a laugh.

"Your Steve Austin?" Dean asked, and he nodded, "Fucking shit."

"Language." I say while nudging Dean.

"I meant freaking shiz." Dean corrected quickly, "Um... I mean, this is, uh, shocking.."

"More like fucking-" Seth started to say but I stepped on his foot to quite him, "Fuck! Roman! Stop!"

"Um I mean no disrespect," I say to the older man, ignoring Seth, "But how did you get into our house? How did you even know where we lived?"

He shrugged, "Common sense."

"Well alright..." I mumbled while rubbing the back of my neck, wondering how that was even possible.

"I'm pulling your leg kid." Steve said with a laugh, "I asked around to find your house. And it's not hard to break in to a place that doesn't even have good locks."

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