People like me and love don't mix

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Nikki's POV

"Alright ladies," Summer said, "That's it for practice today."

I couldn't have been more happy to hear those words leave her mouth. This was honestly the most tired I'm been in a long time. I mean I had full day of school, plus a two hour Cheerleading practice which Naomi skipped because she had a headache. Meaning she basically left me here to fight off all these mean girls by myself.

I take of in a sprint to the locker room. All I want to do is go home and watch reruns of Degrassi.

I grab my bag and throw my Pom-poms in it and weigh my options of taking a shower here and risk getting my clothes stolen or being stinky all the way home and shower there.

"Well hey there," I hear Summer's voice say behind me.

I turn around to see her standing there with her arms crossed with a smirk on her face.

"Um hey Summer." I mumble. I really wasn't in the mood for trying to deal with her.

"Miss your sissy today?" She said walking over to me. Brie had a dentist appointment and left school around lunch.

"Um, not necessarily," I say trying to be nice, "I mean I do live with her. She's probably at home."

"I see," Summer said getting closer. "Your not scared cause sissy isn't here to protect you?"

I almost laugh at her statement, since when has Brie ever tried to protect me? She never has, and I highly doubt she ever will..

"I think I can handle myself just fine Summer," I say to her.

She laughs and knocks my bag out of my hand, "Obviously not to well without your little friend Naomi."

"Don't touch my shit, Summer." I say glaring at her dropping the entire nice act. Hey, I might be a nice person, but I'm not a pushover.

"Oh!" She says clapping, "looks like the bitch finally found some courage to talk me like that!"

She she pushed me into the the lockers behind me, "I suggest you not let that happen again." She growled.

I breath heavily as I stare at her, suddenly all of the courage I had earlier vanished and was replaced with fear.

She smirks and backs away, "I can't just knock the hell out of my best friends sister. That just be rude."

I look at the ground, I just wanted to get out of here.

"It's not like you'd lay a hand on her anyways Summer." A voice said in the locker room.

Summer turned around, Alicia stood there with her arms crossed.

Summer scowls at her, "And who says I won't?"

Alicia laughed, "Really Summer? You were scared to fight me two years ago. And Nikki here is probably stronger than me, so how do you think this is going to turn out."

Summer sends her a death glare, "Whatever." Then she turns back to me, "Tell your little friend, that she just put her position on the squad in jeopardy for skipping practice."

"She had a headache!" I shout defending her.

Summer laughed, "Does it look like I care?" She laughed once more then left the locker room.

Alicia looked at me, "You alright doll?" We had never talked much, but from what I've heard she's pretty cool.

I nod and smile at her while picking up my bag, "Yeah I'm fine, Thank you."

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