Skip Down To The Ring And Beat Your Ass

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Naomi's POV

"You need to get done, done, done, done, at work come over." I sang the lyrics to Work while Roman drove to the school.

"We just need to slow the motion." Dean sang the next verse from the back of the car where he was sitting with Nikki and Seth.

"Don't give that away to no one." I sang and Roman smilied slightly.

"Long distance, I need you." Dean said while grabbing Nikki's hand and Seth groaned because he was sitting in the middle.

"When I see potential I just gotta see it through." I continue to sing as Roman pulled into the schools parking lot

"If you had a twin I would still choose you." Dean said while leaning over to kiss Nikki's cheek, "Which you do."

"I'm going to throw up." Seth mumbled and I laughed, "Why did I ride in the car with the two couples?"

"Cause this was the only way you were getting to school?" I suggested.

"I could have rode with Paige for all this was worth..." He mumbled.

"Then it would have been an awkward car ride." Roman told him.

"It would only be awkward if she made it awkward." Seth said with a shrug, "It's not like we stopped being friends, we just stopped being..."

"Boy friend and girl friend." Dean said to him as Roman parked, "In a way you kinda lost a little bit of friendship"

"Not really," Seth protested, "I mean, yeah sorta, but we could still be as good of friends as she wants us to be."

"You keep saying 'what she wants us to be'" Nikki said as we got out the car, "She made it obvious about what she wants you two to be."

"Yeah," Dean said, "So what do you want you two to be?"

"I not only want to Date her," Seth said, "I wanna marry her one day-"

"Then why don't you do that?" Roman asked, "I mean not get married yet, but just dating."

"Cause it's not time yet." He said, "And I don't know when the time will be either."

"Why isn't it time?" I asked.

"Cause," he said, "when you break up like that, then get immediately back together, it'll just cause more problems."

"But Dean and I did that." Nikki said, "We're doing ok."

"But we're not you guys." Seth said with a sigh, then shook his head, "Look, can we stop talking about this? It's getting old. Let's just head to the cafeteria, Punk texted me and said that Stephanie brought donuts."

"Donuts!" Dean shouted before grabbing Nikki's hand taking off in the direction of the door, "Seth come on! You know Randy will eat the whole damn box in less than a minute!"

I laughed and began walking in the direction but I felt a hand wrap around my waist and hold me back.

"What are you doing?" I ask Roman with a laugh, "Your interfering with my food!"

He smiled and kissed my head, "I'll buy you some food. You wanna skip homeroom and go to Kemp's Cafe?"

"But skipping class is bad." I say with a laugh.

"We'll be back later." He said with a laugh, "Let's just go."

"Alright Mr.Badass." I say with a small laugh, "I'll go."

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