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Nikki's POV

"Spider Punk, Spider Punk, does whatever spider Punk does. Can he swing from a web? No he can't because he's a Punk. Look out here comes the Spider Punk-"

"Philip Brooks." I growled lowly but kept quietly walking down the hallway, "If you don't stop singing, God so help me I will slap the taste out of your mouth."

I could tell he had rolled his eyes, "Well ok Mom. Geez, I was just trying to lighten the mood."

"This isn't a mood to try and lighten babe." AJ said to him quietly.

Dean hushed us all and signaled for us to make a right turn onto the English hallway.

I honestly wasn't for the whole 'mystery case' bullshit or whatever right now. All I really wanted to do was go home, go to my room and isolate myself there for the entire weekend.

Brie really, truly, fucking messed up this time.

I take a lot of shit from her, like a lot. But the one thing you don't do to me is lie. And hell, she's even lied to me before, but it was nothing this big.

There are somethings you just don't do in life.

You don't date your best friends ex.

You don't wear the same dress as someone else for prom.

And you do not lie. Especially mot about a situation such as this.

I overreacted

Because she lied.

I got into a car wreck

Because I over reacted

Because she lied.

She made me feel miserable because I thought that after all the praying I had done, it was still his baby.

Except it wasn't.

Because she lied.

I honestly believe that if Summer herself would have lied to me about this, I wouldn't be as furious.

But my sister. My whole sister. My twin. Lied to me. And she kept going on with her life as though she didn't give a freaking damn. As though she didn't see how much I was hurting.

It wasn't even her business to freaking tell, and yet she did.

It honestly made me feel so fucking sick. I was disgusted.

Am I glad Dean isn't the father? God yes. That's a weight lifted off my shoulder. I didn't wanna play stepmom. I didn't want that child to think I hated him because I didn't like his mother. I would never want to put a child through something like that.

But I guess it was a trade off because o still feel like fucking shit.

"You alright princess?" I heard Dean ask me quietly as we continued down the hall.

Cheers to Senior Year • books 1-4 Where stories live. Discover now