Come to Jesus meeting

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Naomi's POV

'Mental note,' I think to myself as I handed one of the kids a slice of cake while Brie worked silently behind me, 'Kill Paige when you see her.'

Why Paige would tell Brie, Brie Bella, the girl that hated my soul and vice Versa for my own sake, to come and work a station with me was beyond my knowledge.

We didn't speak to each other, but only the customers, which I think was for the best because I knew that any type of conversation would start and end in an argument.

"Hey there NaBae." Sasha said as she approached the table with Tamina.

"What's up boo." I say to her as I leaned against the counter.

"Just checking up on you..." she mumbled as she eyes Brie, but then looked back at me, "You alright?"

"Peachy." I say while giving her my best smile, "Is Dean back with the kids yet."

"Oh yeah," she told me, "Sarah's in the bounce house and Benny is running around having the time of his little live. You haven't seen them yet?"

"No not yet." I say to them, "I've been working my butt off. These kids just keep coming back for more and more. I'd to be the parents that have to deal with this sugar rush tonight."

"Have y'all sold out?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Were out of cookies and brownies, all we have is cake and we're trying to make the slices small so we can stretch it." I say to her with a sigh, "When we sell out I'm done. I've been on my feet for two hours, I'm ready to sit down."

"We can't have you sitting on the job now can we?" I heard a voice with a Irish accent say and I smiled in the direction of the little devil.

"What's up Finn?" I say to him while he wrapped a arm around Sasha.

"The ceiling?" Finn suggested while looking up.

Sasha rolled her eyes, "Of course you'd say that."

Finn laughed, "Mind if I steal her away from you for a few Naomi?"

"She's all your Finnyboy." I say to him and waved as the two of them walked off.

"Um," I heard Brie say, "We only have one cake left."

"Just keep cutting small slices." I say to her plainly while grabbing a towel to wipe off the counter.

"What if we sell out?" She asked me.

"Then we sell out." I responded, "And we can both keep out of each others way."

"I'm in your way?" She responded.

"Not physically." I say to her, "But mentally your too close for comfort."

She sighed and closed her eyes, "What's the even suppose to mean."

"It means let's hurry up and sell this stuff so we can move on Brie." I say to her, being as short with her as I could.

"I need to talk to you after this." She said to me but didn't look at me directly.

I laughed, "No."

She sighed again, "What do you mean no?"

"Look I know that 'no' is a foreign word to you, but no." I say with a shrug.

Talk to me? About what? There's nothing to be said.

All of our 'fight' rumors had died down, she acted like she didn't want any help from anyone, so why would I take time out of my day to talk to her when I've tried to help before? I shouldn't. Rude? Maybe. But I don't care. You be in my shoes and make the call.

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