You're Ash?!

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Seth's POV

"We got more people here than expected!" Paige said while jumping up and down.

"Do we really?" I say as I step out of wall over to the window of Jenny's Diner and look out at the parking lot. It was Dean's idea for all of us to meet up here and think about our plan with more determination. Plus the restaurant closed up early this evening because service was extremely slow and Dean's boss, Vicki, agreed to let him us it as long as he didn't burn it down.

'Woah...' I think to myself as I see a lot of people standing around and talking in the parking lot. This was way more than we had called. This was almost half of the schools population.

I hear Dean laugh behind me, "This guy is definitely going down tonight. And I think more people are planning on showing up too. The more help the better."

"Hey," Nikki said, "Roman and Naomi are in they're way back with the kids."

Dean's eyes lit up some, "You're gonna like them. Now Sarah has a little bit of a attitude at first, but she'll warm up... She's probably giving Roman hell."

Dean had sent Roman and Naomi to go get the kids he was talking about because Roman and Naomi are the only ones who look like they can pass for being older than 18. Dean said some lady agreed to help them be able to take the kids out for the evening. Of course I've never met them but Dean seemed to like them a lot so I guess that's a good thing.

"How are these kids suppose to help us out anyway?" Paige asked.

"I'll explain that when they get here," Dean said to us, "Just know that there gonna play a key role in helping us out."

"But what if they get hurt Dean?" Nikki asked sounding a little worried.

"They won't," Dean said, "These are the strongest kids I've ever met. And if they do just so happen to get hurt, I promise on everything that I'll kill this guy."

"Stop being so violent." I say to him as I walk into the kitchen just for the hell of it.

"Well I wish Roman would speed it up a little," Dean said as he walked into the kitchen with me, "It's five hours until midnight and we still haven't discussed a plan yet."

I pat him on his back, "Weather the plan goes through or not, this guy is gonna be found, tonight. There's no way I'm letting him get away."

"That's right," Dean said as he gave me a fist bump, "We'll never have to worry about this guy again... Nikki told me some things about him, but still no one came to mind..."

I raise a eyebrow, "Like what she tell you?"

"Well," Dean said, "The guy is a serious creeper..."

I roll my eyes, "No dip shit Dean."

"I wasn't finished," he said while rolling his eyes, "She said he mentioned something about pleasing someone else..."

I raise a eyebrow, "Someone like who? Do you know who they're referring to?"

"I may have a idea or two, but I don't think it'll make a difference..." He said, then shook his head.

I stare at him for a couple minutes, but decide to leave it alone instead of prying him.

"Guys," Randy said as he entered the kitchen, "How much longer till we hear for you? The crowd is getting a little restless, there ready for some action."

"Give me about ten more minutes," Dean said, "Less that that if Roman gets here earlier."

Randy nodded then smiled, "Where really about to do this, aren't we?"

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