legendary climbing tree

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Roman's POV

"Air conditioner?"

"It works just fine when it's on and running, sir."

"Is the radio working?"

"Perfectly, Mr.F."

"The gas is fine, motor is good and the tires are new. The paint job is marvelous and the oil is changed." Me.Fatu mumbled as he walked around the car with a slight limp as he used his cane for support.

He walked towards the drivers side where I stood, then stood next to me and smiled, "I think she's ready. What do you think?"

I gave a small smile as I looked at the light grey Beetle, "It looks good. I think everything's good."

He smiled, "I'm gonna go wake her up. I'll be right back."

He excitedly walked towards the house and I smiled as he did so.

I inspected the car once over and again and gave a content sigh.

For the past couple of days, I had went down to the auto shop after school to help Mr.Fatu work on Naomi's graduation gift.

You see, all of us had cars.

Seth, Dean, and I use to have a Camery, now we have our new truck, Nikki had a Camero, Paige had a Chrysler 200, Punk had black 2014 GMC Sierra while Hunter had a grey 2015 chevy Silverado. Randy had a grey Silverado, AJ had a Honda Civic and Stephanie had a Mercedes Benz.

Naomi, however, didn't have a car. She always had to catch a ride to school or walked to wherever she needed to go. I even remember her using Nikki's car to get her license because she didn't have one.

Seeing though it was long overdue, and the fact that I had no problem helping, I had helped her dad renew a old Volkswagen Beetle.

Nothing was really wrong with the car. He wanted some things to be replaced just to insure it would be safe for Naomi to drive.

"Daddy slow down." I heard a voice comment tiredly and my head shot back towards the door to see Mr,Fatu approaching it.

"Come on now babygirl." He said, "I'm old and I'm moving faster than you. Put those young bones to work."

Naomi appeared at the door moments later in mid-yawn. She was dressed in a pair of sweatpants and one of my hoodies.

"What is it daddy?" She asked before turning her head towards my direction. She gave me a confused look before her eyes widened, "Shut up..."

"No ones talking." I commented with a small laugh.

"Who's car..." she started to comment as she looked back at her Dad then back at me, "You didn't... No. I'm jumping to conclusions aren't I?"

"How about instead of jumping to conclusions," her Dad said while holding the keys in front of her, "You jump into your new car."

She let out a high squeal and jumped for a moment before gaining her composure and wrapping her arms around him, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"You may wanna Roman here." He said with a laugh as she let him go and they began to walk closer to me, "He's the one that made this happen so quickly. Came down to the shop and helped me fix her up for you. No, she's not new, but she runs smoothly. Only a couple hundred miles on it. It's a good car for a good girl."

She looked at me for a moment, a shy look on her face, "You helped?"

"Well your dad needed assistance." I said to her, "Plus, I sorta get tired of you calling me to drive you places."

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