I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you

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March 19, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEY shield-amrore Ashley was the person who was the FIRST one to encourage me to start writing Cheers To Senior Year, SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Paige's POV

Thank you in advance
I don't wanna dance
I don't need your hands all over me
If I wanna man
Then Imma get a man
But it's never my priority

"I just gonna be for real." AJ said from the back seat as I turned into the mall parking lot as No, by Megan Trainor played off the radio, "I don't like Megan, but I like this song."

"How can you not like her?" Nikki asked her as she hit her on the arm slightly.

"Seriously," Stephanie said with a laugh, "Everyone likes her."

"I'm not everyone," AJ said, "I'm like tricky cookie. Unlike everyone else."

"What the heck is a tricky cookie?" I asked her and Naomi laughed.

"You know how you can have a whole plate of fresh hot chocolate chip cookies?" AJ asked, "Well I'm the one oatmeal cookie in the batch that no one intends to eat, but when they take a bite into it, you just see there face and its a look of disgust and regret and-"

"Yep." I cut her off with a laugh, "Your definitely the oatmeal raisin cookie, AJ."

"You got me craving cookies now." Stephanie said with a laugh.

"We can go to the cookie store in here." Naomi said as I pulled into a parking spot.

"Sounds good-" I say while opening my door but stopped as a truck pulled into the spot directly next to mine and my door almost hit it.

"Dumbass!" I shouted at the car, but I doubt they heard me.

"Calm down Paige." Nikki said.

"No!" I shouted, "They almost took my damn door off!"

"Chill Belvis." I hear a voice say from the truck and I look up to see Randy and Seth in the front seat with Roman, Dean and Punk sitting in the bed of the truck and Hunter and Eva sitting in the back.

"What are you jackasses," I say, "Minus Redhead, doing? We said we wanted a girls day."

"We're giving you one." Roman said.

"Well you're in our presents," Stephanie said, "So leave so we can officially call it a girls day."

"Fistey today aren't we babe?" Hunter said with a wink and Stephanie only glared and flipped him off.

"Guys," Eva said, "Leave them alone."

"Hey Eva," Nikki said, "Why don't you spend the day with us? Get you away from those idiots."

"I'll have you know that I'm extremely smart." Randy said as he unlocked the car so Eva could get out.

"What's 6 times-" I started to say but he cut me off.

"It's the weekend." He said to me, "I don't do math."

"5,400." Seth said and I just looked at him.

Cheers to Senior Year • books 1-4 Where stories live. Discover now