Starting A War Again

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Video on the slide Cause I miss hearing they're theme song so much... ON TO THE STORY!

Roman's POV

"And she freakin told me that my hair looked fake." Naomi said.

"Mmhm." I say as I place a kiss on her neck again.

"And I'm just like. Bitch, it's weave." She says again and I place yet another kiss on her, "I swear I wanted to punch her... Roman are you listening?"

"Huh?" I say as I look her in the eyes.

"You weren't listening." She groaned and thumped me on my head playfully.

"Hey, I was listening." I say as I pull her closer to me.

"No, you weren't" she says with a laugh, "You were too busy kissing me."

"I told you," I say, then place a quick kiss on her lips, "I like kissing you."

I lean in and try to kiss her again but she pushed me away.

"No," she said to me, "Seth is in the living room."

"He's too busy texting Paige." I whine.

"No." She says playfully then pushed me off and got off my bed.

"Come back." I whine, "I want you so bad."

"You say that every day." She said with a laugh.

"Cause I need you every day!" I whine again, "Just one time, please?"

She shook her head, "No, cause one will turn into two, and two will turn into three, and three will turn into the whole damn night. And I don't have a whole damn night to be doing all of that."

"Come on Nams," I whine once again, "Being in a relationship is a team effort. And there's no 'I' in team."

"There's no 'I' in 'Sex' either." She said with a laugh, "So, 'I' will not be doing anything tonight."

"There's a 'I' in v-" I start but she covers her ears.

"Seth!" She shouts while walking out my room, "Your brother is being a pervert!"

"He's being normal then?" Seth shouted back.

"Shut up Rollins!" I shouted with a smile and get out my bed.

"I'm just saying what's true." Seth said as I walked into the living room, "You're a freak."

"You ain't ever lied." Naomi mumbled to herself as she sat down.

I smirk, "Am I now?"

"How about you two not have sex while I'm sitting here?" Seth said as he continued to text on his phone.

"How about we wait till marriage?" Naomi said while pulling out he phone.

Seth laughed, "He couldn't last."

"Hey," I say while sitting in the other chair. "Maybe I could."

"Could you?" They ask me at the same time.

I think about it for a minute. Could I seriously wait till marriage... Not unless we were getting married tomorrow...

"No..." I say while shaking my head.

"Told you." Seth said then dug in his pocket and threw me something, "Here."

I caught it before Naomi could comprehend what it actually was, but she eventually she did.

"Ew!" She said, "What is wrong with you guys?"

"It prevents babies," I said to her, "I love you. I love you with all my heart baby girl... But I don't need a baby girl, or a baby boy at them moment."

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