Can I have a pink one?

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Paige's POV

"I am not letting you stick me with that!" Brie shouted at me, "You'll kill me!"

"If I wanted to kill you," I say through gritted teeth, "It'd be filled with air, not medicine!"

"Why can't a professional do it!" She shouted at me again.

"The 'professional', aka, my mother, told me to do it, so suck it up princess and hold still." I say while trying to grab her arm, but she yanked away again.

"No!" She said again.

"Brie, will you hold still so she can get it over with?" Nikki said with a sigh as she stood with her arms crossed.

"I am not getting stuck with that." Brie mumbled, "Especially not by her."

"Don't tell me your afraid of needles." I say with a groan.

"Not scared," Nikki said to me, "Terrified."

"Am not." Brie protested.

"So this shot shouldn't be a big deal." I say while trying to stick her again but she quickly moved away.

"Get that thing away from me!" She shouted again and I rolled my eyes.

Out of all the times we've had to go to the hospital for whatever reason this year, this time has been the most dramatic.

My Mum had an emergency to take care of down the hallway, so she left me in charge to treat Brie and she wouldn't let me give her the damn thing.

She was alright at first, she wasn't talking, she let me clean the scratches and cuts on her head, even allowed me to place the bandage on it, it was strange and unusual for Brie to let anyone act this way to her.

But the very moment I took out the syringe and needle, she lost her freaking mind. For the first five minutes, she wouldn't even let me within 5 feet of her with the item in my hand.

"Nikki." I say to her, "Hold Brie's hand so I can give her the damn thing."

"That's not gonna make it hurt less." Brie said as she grabbed hold of Nikki's hand.

"Jesus, Brie." Nikki said as Brie squeezed her hand tight and shut her eyes, "Your hurting me more than this shot will hurt you."

"This is gonna feel like freaking hell!" She shouted as she squeezed onto Nikki tighter as I slowly inserted the shot into her arm, her most likely not even feeling it, "It's gonna hurt, I know it is! Why do I have to get a shot, I can't get a shot! I'm not getting a shot!"

"Too late-" I started to say as I took the shot out and placed a band aid over the area, but she stopped me.

"No Paige don't do it!" She pleaded, "Please, I'm sorry ok! I'm sorry for calling you shit, and Seth and everyone else ok? Just don't stick me."

"Will you open your eyes you big baby." Nikki said while rolling her eyes.

"I already gave you the shot." I say while trying to stiff a laugh as she opened her eyes.

"Wait, what?" Brie asked while opening her eyes and glancing at the blue bandaid on her arm, "Pft, that didn't hurt... Can I have a pink one?"

"All we have is blue." I say with a shrug, "But thank you for the apology, not sure if I accept anything, but none the less."

"Whatever." She mumbled as there was a knock on the door and Dean peaked his head in.

"I heard screaming." He said while entering the room, "Paige did you try to kill her."

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