Touch My Body

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I wonder if we could make #KillNathanKennedy a trending hashtag after that last chapter 😂😂

Roman's POV

"Do you see a red barn?" The Hispanic toddler names Dora, said on the TV.

"It's right there." Dean said while pressing his finger against the TV screen at the red barn while Naomi and I laughed slightly and Nikki shook her head.

"Is this the red barn?" The toddler said as the arrow pointed to the blue truck.

"No, damn it." Dean said in frustration then pointed again, "Right here."

"Dean-" I started to say, but he turned. Hushed me, then turned back to the screen.

I groaned while Naomi silently laughed and Nikki just rolled her eyes and mumbled something about 'childlike boyfriend'

"Is this the red barn?" Dora asked again as the blue arrow pointed to the tree.

"Oh my god you dumb bitch!" Dean shouted which caused Naomi to burst out in laughter, "That is not the fucking barn!"

"Dean," Nikki said sternly, but it looked like she was about to laugh herself, "Baby calm down."

He mumbled something but stayed quite until the ending of the show.

"What was your favorite part?" Dora asked the audience as though they could answer back.

"Um," Dean thought, "I like the part when... No... Um, I like the part when-"

"I liked that part too." Dora said with a laugh.

"Bitch didn't even give me a chance to answer!" Dean shouted while standing up and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I fucking hate Dora man!" Dean shouted again and we laughed harder, "I sat here for thirty minutes and tried to be entertained by this dumbass seven year old!"

"Calm down." Naomi said with a laugh.

"No!" Dean shouted, "She's a bitch! That's thirty minutes of my life freakin wasted! I feel like I'm two! Now I gotta go watch some porn or something to man up."

"You're gonna watch what?" Nikki asked him and his eyes widened.

"I said I was gonna go watch some gore." He said to her while scratching his head, "Like blood and guts."

"That's what I thought you said babe." She said to him and I laughed.

"I'm hungry." I say while getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"When are you not hungry?" Naomi asked as she followed.

"When I'm putting food in my mouth and chewing it, then swallowing." I say to her with a smirk.

"You should never be hungry then," she said with a laugh as she her head on my back bs wrapped her arms around me.

"Oh hush." I say as I walk slowly over to the cabinet to grab a bag of Doritos.

"Gimmie one." She said while jumping up and sitting on the counter and opening her mouth.

"What are you?" I ask her as I place the chip in her mouth, "a 2 year old."

"2 times 9 year old. " She said as she chewed the chip.

"Stop talking with your mouth full." I say while throwing a chip at her and she caught it.

"You are not my daddy." She said while biting the other one.

"That's not what you were saying when-" I start but stop and laugh when she hit me.

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